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Band of Adventurers | ArsenalXIII | 5


A few minutes short of the 9 A.M. deadline, everyone has assembled at the front of the town hall. Janno was first, coming back with two stout pack horses, freshly shoed from the blacksmith's. Dalia and Kassi were next, having gone out to secure the proper provisions and equipment for the journey. Timmius was last, his wide belt laden with fresh sacks of herbs and other healing components.

"Only two horses?" Timmius noted, as Janno began helping Kassi pack the saddlebags full of provisions over the horses' backs.

"Well," Janno admitted, lamely, "I didn't exactly scrap together much of a bounty from my last adventure, so unless you have any more money, this will have to do for now."

"It is probably for the best, though," Dalia note, stroking one of the horses' manes. "The trail to Sangasio is over rough terrain much of the way, so riding horses wouldn't be of much use regardless."

Kassi finished loading the saddlebags, and added with a smile. "I've always been more of a walking type anyways."

Sighing, Timmius relented. "I suppose it will do. What will our marching order be?" He turned to Janno with the inquiry.

"Hmm," Janno pondered, turning the thought over in his head. "If the trail to Sangasio is as tough as Dalia says, then it would be best to have Kassi out front to guide us. Timmius, you and Dalia can lead the horses, and I'll guard the rear to make sure nothing unpleasant surprises us."

Kassi nodded. "Sounds good to me. Let's get going, then!" She smiled again, and shouldering a small backpack and her bow, started off towards the city's north gate. Her quiver swung at her side, as her light cloak drifted slightly in the morning breeze. Janno handed the reins of one horses over to Timmius, who took it gingerly, giving the horse a wary look as he started to lead it after Kassi carefully. Janno grinned at the elf's unfamiliarity as Dalia walked past him, leading the other horse with ease. "Do you think he'll get used to it?" Janno asked as she past.

"I'm sure he will do fine." Dalia said, smiling back at Janno. Her long white hair was tied into a thick braid that hung down to her hips, and she was in her usual green robe with her staff in her right hand. Janno took a moment to admire her mature grace and beauty, before realizing that the others has passed him, and hurried up to bring up the rear.

They made good headway the first day of the journey, as the terrain so far was flat and sparsely forested. It almost looked pleasant; betraying no sign of the danger Janno knew could be lurking anywhere in it. Kassi was good at her task, however, and did not lead them astray into a place where they could be easily ambushed.

The only problem arose when, a few hours before sunset, their two horses suddenly spooked, neighing loudly while bucking agitatedly. Kassi rushed back to help Timmius steady his horse, while Janno ran forward to help Dalia with hers. The sudden pull on the reins had caused the druid to lose her footing, throwing her to the ground. Incredibly, the horse settled on its own after seeing Dalia in distress, leaving Janno to offer her a hand to help her up. "Are you alright?"

"Yes, I think so." Dalia said, taking Janno's hand with a weak smile before wincing. "One of my ankles is hurt, however..." She laughed softly. "This must not be making you very confident of my abilities."

"Nonsense," Janno said, letting Dalia down again gently before looking over towards the other two, who had brought the other horse under control. "Timmius, Dalia is injured. Kassi, see if you can find what spooked these horses." Kassi nodded, and disappeared into the surrounding bush, as Timmius came forward, handing the reins of his horse to Janno as he knelt down next to Dalia. "Hmm. Just looks like a sprain to me. I'll put a bandage and a poultice on it, and it should be good as new soon tomorrow." As he started to administer to Dalia, Kassi came back through the bush. Janno turned to face her. "Find anything?"

Kassi nodded. "It looks like a goblin party came through near here." After registering their shocked expressions for a moment, she hurried to reassure them. "The trail is pretty old, but goblins always leave a foul smell. The horses probably caught wind of it and it scared them."

Janno sighed in relief. "Well, that's good news, at least." He looked back at Dalia and Timmius, before looking back at Kassi. "There's not much time left in the day. Since Dalia is injured, it might be a good idea to camp around here for now, if you think there isn't much chance of them coming back."

"Hmm. The trail is quite old, but..." Kassi hesitates, looking past Janno at Dalia as Timmius finished wrapping her ankle. ".. with these sorts of things, I don't like leaving anything to chance, personally. Still, you're the leader. I'll go with what you decide."


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