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Experience Really Does Matter | the_dude79 | 4


You hear the sound of a light switch being flicked and the lights in the hallway come on, now you can see where you are going. Looking around though you don't see the old woman anywhere. And her house is huge there are three different ways for you to go. You can go upstairs, down the hall, or into the front living room. You hear sounds of movement echoing down the main hallway and you walk down it to a brightly lit kitchen. There the old woman is putting some of her items away.

She turns to face you, "Ah there you are, i thought i had lost you." She says as she smiles. "Please put the bags there." The old woman points to an open spot on the counter near her.

You put the bags down and then stand there unsure of what to do. You know why you came here, and what you overhead leaving the convenience store, but are are unsure due to the woman's actions.

"Why don't you go sit in the den and make yourself comfortable. I'll start making those cookies i promised in a minute."

Dumbfounded you walk into the large den and fall into the comfortable couch. you look and see a large old tv in the room, the kind with the two dials for changing the channel and no remote control. Groaning you get back to your feet and turn on the tv. Turning the channel dial you realize the woman only gets a handful of channels, none of which are appealing.

"Miss, I think i should be going now." You say across the room to the old woman.

"Nonsense, i promised you something for helping me and i intend to keep that promise, wait there one minute while i go upstairs."

Do you wait for her, leave, or go upstairs and see what she is doing?


Do you wait for her, leave, or go upstairs and see what she is doing?


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