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Band of Adventurers | bastian | 7


The following morning Janno awoke early and went in search of the old druid who lived on the outskirts of Woodhaven. He had not seen the old man since before his previous misadventure, but he knew that if anyone could help him with captives of this nature then it would be the old man.

As Janno approached the Druids decrepit little cottage a wave of unease passed over him. It felt as if someone or something very unfriendly was watching him, ready to attack at any moment. Carefully, with his hand resting lightly on the hilt of his plain long sword, Janno crept up to the door and rapped soundly. After a moment there was a muffled response and the door swung open with an audible squeak. With a sigh of relief Janno saw that it was the old druid Torvanis.

“Ahh Janno,” the old man whispered in a crackling voice, “you seek my aid once more, just as the spirits of the forest have foretold. Please enter so that I may offer up my wisdom to your eager ears.”

With a nod Janno followed the old man into the cabin and into the small, but cozy living area of the structure. Wordlessly the old man took a seat and motioned for Janno to do the same.

Finally when they were both comfortably seated, the druid began to speak. “Tell me, why have you come to me my young friend?”

Janno hesitated only a moment before recounting the story told to him by the rogue Corvus. When he had finished the Druid rose to his feet in anger, “This evil must be stopped. Those gentle creatures of the forest are pure and innocent and must be set free…”

“Please sit down Grandfather,” A musical but worried feminine voice piped up from the doorway, Janno turned to meet the new arrival and saw that she was one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen. For a brief moment he studied her face, admiring her coppery red hair, olive complexion and emerald green eyes. As his eyes drifted downwards in that instant he realized that the rest of her was equally stunning. Her supple leather armor fit the contours of her skin perfectly, outlining her large breasts, slender waist and round hips. She was perfect, but Janno realized that at that moment she was also very angry, and most of that anger was directed at him.

“I’ve been watching you, fighter, and don’t think that just because I haven’t put an arrow through you yet I will hesitate to do so should I think it necessary to protect myself or my grandfather.”

“I wouldn’t have it any other way my lady,” Janno grinned, trying his best to sound clever and amicable.

“Save your ‘charm’ for someone who cares,” the copper haired ranger hissed at him.

“That will be quite enough young lady,” the old druid finally said, coming to your defense. “I have heard what this man had to say and I deem his cause worthy of my attention.” Surprisingly the woman looked slightly ashamed of herself and looked away from the two of you, muttering under her breath.

“Now before we were so rudely interrupted, I was saying that this crime must be undone and the creatures of the forest must be returned to whence they came.” He sighed, “However, I myself am far too old to be of much use to you so I must send someone well versed in the ways of the woods in my stead.”

Knowing where he was heading the ranger girl spun around and opened her mouth as if about to say something but stopped herself before uttering more then a squeak. “Do not protest granddaughter for I do not give you any choice in the matter. I have given you my knowledge and for that you must be willing to take up your bow in defense of nature, now young Tanya, go to town and ready yourself for the journey. I wish to speak to Janno alone. With an angry look she stormed out of the cabin, cape and hair swirling behind her.

“Young Janno, before you depart, I wish to ask a boon of you.” He dropped his voice to a whisper, “guard mine granddaughter well for she is my only family and do most of all, be her friend, for she has had scant few friends in the long years she has spent with me and I fear that her view of others has been tainted by such unhealthy solitude,” with those words he laid his head back and drifted off to sleep.

Later that afternoon Janno returned to town to find that his party was already preparing to depart.

“We are ready to go”, Ariel chimed in from atop her white mare and you grin excitedly at the glory and riches that lay before you. With cat like grace Janno slid onto Phoenix, his jet brown warhorse, and signaled for the rest to follow.


How will the party assult the ruined manor?

          At the manor


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