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Buffy- Andrew | JLBarnett | 11


Buffy was behind her and clubbed her over the head with her forearm. It wasn't enough to knock her out but it left her ears ringing and her seeing double. Buffy then held her arms behind her.

Caleb held the scythe in front of her. "The precicision this allows is amazing." He brought the blade down at an almost straight angle. SHe felt her skirt fall away and her shirt and bra parted. Buffy then pulled them off. Her panties were split but that really didn't halp make it easier for Buffy to rip them off.

"Buffy please. I'm sorry for what we did, but you've got to stop him."

Buffy's eyes burned with the light of a fanatic. "If I was still angry I wouldn't be holding you for my man to fuck you." Willow was shoved down to hands and knees and Caleb entered her roughly.

"Oh, Goddess!"

"You didn't take my advice earlier, Will, but you'll learn how right I was."

"Ohhhh, don't. Please, Buffy he's evil. Stop feeling good, goddess make it stop!"

"He's not evil! He's good!. He explained everything to me. THe reason for Slayers being young girls is the punishment of Eve. The unnatural demons are faced with something even more unnatural, a truly powerful woman. When Caleb cleanses us everything will be wonderful."

Willow was barely listening, absorbing Buffy's words on some subconscious level. Her voice was so reasonable. And Caleb felt so good. SHe'd forgotten how good cock was. She'd convinced herself hard plastic or knobby fingers were a good enough substitute.

"He's killed potentials, and ahhhhh ahhh, hurt them."

Caleb answered. "THe pain of the injured will be repayed with pleasure a thousand times greater. As for the dead. They were necessary for the illusion. But they'll have a special place in heaven even though I didn't get the chance to cleanse them."

"AH YES GOD YES!!! PLEASE GOD GIVE ME MORE!!!" Willow shrieked as she came.


what happens next?

          Go after the Scoobies


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