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Venus Rising | brevdravis | 6


You smile at Venus, nodding in response to her question. You have never been more ready in your life. You literally ache with desire for the three women in front of you. There is an urge that you have never felt before deep in your soul.

You step forward, and reach a hand to touch Venus' face. Her skin is smooth and desirable. Venus hums softly at your touch, rubbing her cheek back at you.

"Take your time, darling." She coos. "Love should not be rushed."

Her comment brings a snicker from Juno, who rolls her eyes skyward. Ignoring her derision, you bring your face close to Venus, staring into her enchanting eyes. With a final exhalation, you press your lips softly against hers. She yields totally to the kiss, her arms encircling you, and one hand coming up to press against the back of your neck. You feel like every emotion of love that you had ever had before was nothing, a trifle. Your soul feels full of that one emotion, combined with an aching desire to consummate it with the woman in your arms.

You revel in the feelings, as Venus tongue plays about your mouth. You groan with the sheer power of the kiss, before you reluctantly break it. You breathe heavily, staring into the eyes of Venus.

"Pure love, darling." Venus exhales the words, and you feel them as much as you hear them. "And we have only just begun."

With a final squeeze, you release your arms from the goddess. The ache in your heart has not diminished, but strangely, you feel no lessening of desire when you look at the other goddesses. You lust for them too, but the love in your heart extends to them as well. Puzzled you turn to Venus, who merely gestures to Minerva.

You look at Minerva, who stands resilient in her armor. An expression you thought you would never see on the goddess of wisdom, nervousness, seems to be running through her. She inhales deeply, then extends a hand in your direction. Eagerly, you take it, feeling the strength in her hand. Strangely though, there is a slight tremor in her hand.

"What is love?" Minerva asks rhetorically as you step closer to her, your eyes gazing into her steel gray ones. "The wise know that the more you love, the more you can." Minerva states the last with a slight vibration to her voice.

You tighten your hand about hers, and with your free hand reach up to touch her shoulder.

"I could imagine no greater gift than the one that you have offered me." You turn to look at the other two goddesses as you speak to Minerva. Venus smiles, her expression one of amusement. Juno looks positively jealous of your statement.

Minerva, for her part, merely smiles gently, and pulses her fingers around your hand. With that encouragement, you lean forward and kiss her softly on the lips. The kiss is gentle, slowly growing in both heat and passion as Minerva allows herself to experience it. Soon you are entwined in a heated kiss, both of you clutching each other, exploring each other’s secrets.

The feeling is heady. The kiss lacks the raw love of the kiss with Venus, but there is something incredibly satisfying about the love you do feel from the kiss. Amazingly, you feel as if you understand why you love. Minerva's earlier statement about the nature of it become a full-fledged revelation, as you hold her to you, feeling the deep passion.

Again, with great reluctance, you break the kiss. You breathe heavily, staring into those warm gray eyes. Minerva smiles again, a favor that you cherish.

Finally, you turn your eyes to Juno, who stands with her arms crossed. Her expression is one of slight annoyance. Most likely she feels slighted that you chose her last.

"So, the great mortal lover now comes to the queen of the gods?" Juno smirks, tilting her head upwards.

You don't say anything, merely approaching her. Juno holds her ground, and you feel very intimidated by her presence. Unwilling to give up however, you close the distance between the two of you. You stare into her challenging eyes.

"So mortal, are yo...” You interrupt her smirking question by kissing her full on the lips. Her lips tighten in shock at your impertinence, before relaxing slightly. You move you mouth against hers, gently moving her arms apart, before pulling her into an embrace. Juno doesn't fight you, and after a few moments of the kiss begins to take an active, aggressive role in it. Before you know it, you are the one being held and her tongue is the one in your mouth.

The feeling of power, and of confidence that her kiss exudes is incredible. Juno knows what she wants, and she is indeed taking it from you. You feel as though you are the one being seduced here, as her hands stroke against your body, preempting your moves. The kiss becomes almost a chess game of touch and counter touch.

Finally it is Juno who breaks the kiss, smirking at you, but with a welcome warmth in her eyes.

"Mmmm, I think I should be treated to this mortal's body first." Juno grins, stepping forward.

"Perhaps the mortal would enjoy watching a little more?" Venus suggests, her eyes roaming over Juno and Minerva's form.

Both ideas are very appealing. There is nothing you would like more than to start making love to the goddesses. However, watching them together first would be incredible as well.


Watch, or get down to it?

          Watch first.

          Both, Juno


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