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18 And I Like It | SlaveDragon | 5


You and Sarah exchange looks throughout the rest of the class. You are tempted to pass a note to try and plan some sort of strategy, but Miss Wilson seems to be keeping a close eye on the two of you, so note passing, or whispering even, is out of the question. Whenever Miss Wilson's eyes meet yours, which meeting is uncomfortably frequent, her thin black eyebrows draw down towards her nose in a slight scowl--not a good sign!

Sarah, in the meantime, is almost in panic mode. You are pretty sure that whatever Miss Wilson has in mind, Sarah is almost ready to crack under the pressure. You doubt you can rely on her to play it cool when the time comes...

...Which it does all too soon. Miss Wilson concludes her lecture (most of which is a vague blur in your memory), and the bell rings signaling the end of class.


What do you do?


          Help Miss Wilson erase the board


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