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Johnny's Conscience | Sim8425 | 5


I apologized to the mouthy man and offered my hand as a sign for peace. The man looked down at my hand with disgust and smirked, knowing he had won. He spat in my face and snorted, "You have no fucking balls..." In a matter of seconds he disappeared out of my sorry sight.

What had overcome me? Why did I back down? This definitely wasn't in my character. I quickly hopped over to the counter, plopped my drunken ass down upon a stool, and ordered the strongest alcoholic beverage I could get my hands on. I wasn't only drowning myself in alcohol, but also my deep sorrow. Alice's current hatred for me tore me apart more than I would have guessed. I haven't felt this weak in the longest time. I promised myself long ago that I would never be weak, always strong, but is that a promise I can keep? I never want to end up like him...

Right now I just want to be held by Alice. I want to cry in her arms until the night passes. Yes, in a perfect world that would happen, but in mine, no way. My sadness is quickly transformed into anger, with my emotions running wilder than ever. My blood boiled as hatred coursed through my veins, as I thought about the man whom spat in my fucking face. I'm a fucking monster! No one intimidates me! I angrily slammed my fist down onto the hard counter, causing a mild commotion, with a few peoples' attention quickly being directed my way. My anger for this world, my life, my mistakes, my regrets are about to be taken out on the poor scumbag whom dared to unleash his dirty saliva upon me. It's now time for me to unleash something unto him, and believe me, it's not saliva. I stood up, with my fist clenched so tight that the nails drew blood from my skin.

As I walked, my surrounding became a blur. All my senses were blocked except for my sight, which was locked on the man whom disrespected me. I was further enraged to see that he was having a good time, laughing it up while a stripper entertained him with her arousing presence. He coolly smoked his cigar while fondling the young lady. I walked aggressively towards him, with pure force. My heart sped like a teenage boy with his first car.

THUD! Suddenly I bumped into a mysterious fellow. I clutched my head, which spun like a merry-go-round. Once my eyes focused, I could make out the man's appearance. He was a dark-skinned man with black, short, and curly hair. He was well built and about my height, maybe a little taller. He wore a beige trench coat and stylish black pants. He reached his hand out, offering to help me up. Of course I refused and was ready to brawl, but then he interrupted me...

"I've been watching you, and I have a proposition that may be music to your ears," he spoke gently. What did he want? Who was he? Tell me what to do! You're my conscience! Please help me!


What happens next?

          He has a proposition.


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