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Venus Rising | gystex | 7


Aphrodite waves her hand and lifts your body up in the air, spreading your legs at the same time. The cuffs pull apart on your ankles until your legs burn slightly with the stretching, but she stops before it becomes painful. Your cock, now at half-mast and shining with Venus' secretions, lies level with her face.

"I love to taste a man's come," she says, licking her lips, "especially when I can taste my own love honey on him at the same time."

Suddenly Venus rises over the top of you from behind, pausing momentarily to kiss you in her upside-down position and then whispering in your ear. "I'm going to help her, of course," she breathes. "Together, we can make you hard and ready for her pussy."

Venus glides slowly down your body, her full and round tits passing just beyond the reach of your tongue, until she comes to rest on you with her head between her legs and her glowing pussy before your eyes. Even though you distinctly remember fucking her really hard, she looks tight and virginal to your eyes.

Hot lips encircle the head of your cock, and then a tongue runs up the shaft. You can't tell who's doing what, and you don't care - the sensation of two hot, wet mouths licking and sucking your manhood is too hot to allow for much rational thought. It takes only seconds for you to become hard again, and the goddesses don't let up for a moment.

Venus' pussy lies before you, just begging to be kissed, but the drawback to your position is that you can't see the magic they're working on your cock. You also begin to wonder what it might be like to have a third woman join your little party.


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