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Waking Up | Zigurat | 4


After finishing the Sports Section and the Classifieds (I was looking for a new car), Ms. Sorenson stormed into the kitchen, an ugly look on her face as she was putting her last earring on. She looked around and turned towards me.

“I’m late because of you, dammit! And you haven’t made breakfast yet!” she screamed.

“Shut up, bitch.” I replied calmly, engrossed in the Business Section.

Ms. Sorenson pulled the paper out of my hands, tearing it. Her face was a thundercloud of anger. I raised an eyebrow, puzzled at her behavior.

Enraged further by my calm face, she slapped me hard, rocking my head back.

“You ungrateful bastard! Get out! Now!”

I stared at her with loathing. I had had enough of this spiteful, dominating woman.


Ms. Sorenson’s face paled as she sat down on the floor at my feet. Calming myself, I continued to put her in her place.

~You are no longer in control. You answer to me now. You will do as I say. Failure to do so and you will be punished.~

Ms. Sorenson nodded.

“In the future,” I said, reverting back to voice now that I had altered her mind. “You will prepare my breakfast. It will be ready by the time I am in the kitchen, no matter how early I get up. Understand?”

Ms. Sorenson nodded.

“In the house, you will answer to ‘Bitch.’ Before you come home tonight from work, you will stop by a pet shop to buy a dog collar, dog dishes, and a leash. You will not dawdle before and after the pet shop. No shopping. No talking. You will be home as soon as possible.

“As soon as you are home, you will put the dog collar on. We will then go over everything we need to do to put the house, the cars, and all the money in my name.”

Ms. Sorenson nodded.

“Before you leave for work, one last thing. You will masturbate every chance you get at work, but do not orgasm. I will know if you do. Now get to work, bitch!”

She leaped up from the kitchen floor and flew towards the garage, snatching at her keys and purse. The garage door slammed behind her, soon followed by the sound of the automatic garage door opening and the squeal of her tires as she raced to work.

I took a few deep breaths, letting the last of my anger fall away. Ms. Sorenson would still be punished tonight. I had to stop think of her that way. She was no longer Ms. Sorenson. She was my bitch, although that wouldn’t do in public. Her first name was Catherine, but dad did call her Candi in private. (I had pulled this from her mind.) Candi… that would work.

Dropping the last of the morning paper on the floor, I headed out of the kitchen, intending to remake the house to my preferences. No better place than the master bedroom and its king-sized bed. Especially with Brigitte and Cynthia to help.

As I climbed the stairs to the second floor, I wondered when Antoinette would come to visit. The oldest of Candi’s three daughters, she was ambitious, domineering, manipulative, cruel, avaricious, and beautiful. Antoinette was truly Candi’s daughter.


Mission of the Morning...

          Michigan loses!


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