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Date With a Werewolf | Lycanthrokeith | 2


I take a deep breath, just enough to steady myself but not quite enough to fall out of my bra. I’d tried to strike a compromise between sluttiness and conservatism. Hence, my C-cups are only partially cleavage exposed, and I’m in my favorite flattering black dress, the one with the dark fishnet sleeves and tied latticework down the legs.

“Calm, cool, collected,” I whisper to myself. I brush back an errant lock of brown hair as I open the door.

Wow! I mean, wow! This guy’s single? He’s amazing! Tan skin, smooth black ponytail, chiseled face, and those eyes! Ooh, those haunting blue eyes! I’m lost, absolutely lost…

“Um, may I come in?”

Sorry, I was too busy dreaming about being fucked by you. “Wha? Oh, of course, I’m sorry.” I ready myself to motion him in, but he overwhelms my clumsiness with a graceful seizure of my hand. His kiss of my wrist sends chills through me.

I don’t know how I manage to get us seated on my couch, let alone have champagne poured. I finally realize I never did catch his name.

“So, I feel so embarrassed to say this, but I totally missed your name.”

He smiles, warmly and invitingly. “Adam. Glad to meet you, Charlotte.”

“Me, too! Good to meet me, too. I mean…” Get a grip, girl!

“Relax, Charlotte. ” He takes my hand as he takes his glass. We tip glasses, and sip our Chablis.

“I’m really sorry, Adam, I’m just…overwhelmed.” I fall silent for a minute; something about him is just so intoxicating, so wild, so…male. “What would you like to do tonight?”

He smirks at me. “I’d like to take a walk with you. Ever taken a walk through the park, under the moonlight?”

“No…no, I haven’t. It sounds wonderful.”

“Great. We can have dinner afterwards. You’re not a vegetarian, are you?”

“Nope. Full-on carnivore,” I chuckle.

“Perfect. Well then, shall we?” Adam strokes my cheek tenderly, and I just melt.

“Anything,” I whisper. I know I mean it, too, as he takes my hand and leads me out into the moonlit night.


What does the moonlight stroll bring?

          Blame It On The Moonlight


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