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A Boy at a Girls School | maidenlayer | 5


slips through the door closing it behind her. She stops in her tracks as she catches sight of you strapped naked to your bed.

You look on helplessly as she stands there in her very fetching uniform with its short pleated skirt and knee socks. You try hard to prevent it, but your dick bobs back to full erection.

The movement catches her eye, snapping her back to the moment and a cute vixen like grin spreads across her face. "I see the Welcoming Committee has got here before me!"

As you try to think of some way to explain how you came to be strapped to your bed on the first day of school and why your shaft throbs every time you look in her direction, the other girls emerge from their hiding places.

", thank heavens it's you" says Joanne; "I thought Stoller had caught us for sure". Joanne glances back at you over her shoulder with a sly smile and says to , " Well I guess we should leave you two alone to catch up". April and Misty suppress giggles as they pull on their clothes and slip out into the hall. stands there with her finger resting against her cherry lips as if considering something. Her silence is a little unnerving and you try desperately to make your boner go away. You try to think about anything else besides where the three girls are going and whether they'll continue their party without you. But as you get your mind off that you are drawn back to 's lightly tanned legs and the hint of hard nipples beneath her white blouse. This isn't helping, in fact your getting very stiff indeed.

As the last girl closes the door behind her with a quite click, crosses to the bed where you lie completely at her mercy.

As she leans in over you, she reaches out her hand with absent-minded fascination and brushes her finger along your hard shaft. Your engorged cock bucks under her cool soft finger causing her to snatch her hand away, seemingly embarrassed by her boldness.

"Now" she says, focusing her attention on your face with a slight hint of blush about her cheeks, "What am I going to do with you?"


Does she undo the restraints or leave you tied up?

          She gives you a blowjob

          She teases you some more.


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