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WWE | dmx31697 | 1


Your name is Tony Denucci you are the new talent scout of the WWE. You got the job because you grew up with a former wrestler in the WWE, Jeff Hardy. His brother Matt was also a friend and when he heard that Vince(McMahon) had just fired your predcesor, he had Vince give you a call. After a couple of interviews and alot of historical wrestling talk Mr. McMahon hired you.

It is your first day on the job. You pull up to the huge WWE Headquarters building in Stamford,Ct. You pull into the employ parking lot, where you are promptly met by a security guard. "Visitor parking is in the front sir" he says. "No, I'm sorry sir, I'm Tony Denucci, the new Talent scout for the WWE." "Yeah right and I'm Frank Sinatra. Now please reverse back and park in the visitors lot." "No really I am" you reply. "Here's my I.D., you can call it in and ask Mr. McMahon. "I won't bother Mr. McMahon with a little problem like this, but I will call it in, but if your lying to me, I'm going to hurt you and say you tried breaking in." After about 5mins. the guard comes back and apolizes. "I'm sorry for that problem Mr. Denucci. Go right ahead on in and your parking spot will be to the right." As you pull in you think to yourself "My own parking spot huh, this is great, and to be called sir, I feel extremely important and I'm only 27." You park your car grab your brief case and head into the sliding doors for your first day of work.


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