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7 Little College Girls | AaronWebster | 6


“Erm… Look guys,” began Cathy as the girls returned to the common room, “do you think we ought to talk about what just happened back there?”

“Oh you Americans are all the same,” responded Sam.

“’Gee, I don’t know what just happened back there,’” Eric, continued in a cheesey take-off of an American accent, “’maybe we should talk about how it affects our relationship.’”

The twins burst into fits of giggles.

“Oh, all of us Americans are the same, are we?” retorted Cathy hotly. “Just how many Americans do you know?”

“Including you?” asked Eric.


“One,” admitted Sam sheepishly.

“Anyway, I always thought talking about stuff was a girl thing,” added Allison, trying to divert the conversation.”

“Oh well, we’re very into girl things,” responded Sam.

“Very into,” added Eric and the twins burst out laughing again.

“Its just that, now I come to think of it,” continued Cathy, “what you guys were doing in there was pretty… well, gross… I mean you’re sisters and all…”

“You didn’t think it was gross when you were licking out my pussy,” commented Jo, coming to the twins defense.

“Oh, you realised that was me, huh?” responded Cathy, ruefully.

“Anyway,” added Eric, “a bit of a girly show is a great way ton turn your boyfriends on.”

“They love it,” confirmed Sam.

“So you guys are into boys, right?” asked Allison.

“Would it reassure you if we said yes?” answered Sam.

“Well, frankly, yeah,” replied Allison.

“Sorry – No,” answered Eric.

“Been there,” added Sam.

“Done that,” confirmed Eric.

“Washed stains out of the t-shirt,” finished Sam.

“Boys just can’t keep up with us,” admitted Eric regretfully.

“So you two have a pretty high sex drive, then?” asked Anita.

“Oh, we can go on for hours,” replied Eric.

“And hours,” added Sam.

“And hours.”

“And hours.”

“And hours.”

“And hours.”

The other girls looked at each other, grinning foolishly as the twins carried on.

“Wanna try?” asked Sam at last.

“Well… er…” began Allison I don’t think we’re really…”

“Oh, I think you are,” responded Eric.

“After that performance in the bathroom? Definitely,” added Eric.

“Don’t worry,” continued Sam.

“We won’t turn you queer,” said Eric.

“You can still go back to your boy toys afterwards,” said Sam.

“You might even show them some new tricks,” added Eric.

“And isn’t college all about new experiences anyway?” asked Sam.

“Did you say nude experiences, my dear?” asked Eric.

“I believe I did, my love,” replied Sam and they burst into giggles again.

“So, what are you suggesting?” asked Allison, “that we just pair off, or throw room keys onto the floor, or something?”


Well, what are they suggesting?

          Room keys works for me


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