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Three Days | kendahl6969 | 23


The gymnasium's showers are quiet now, aside from the occasional drop of water splatting to the tiled shower floor from the wall-mounted nozzles. The rest of the Cannondale College cheer squad is on their way to the football game, leaving you and Wendy alone in the hollow-sounding lockerroom.

Your pretty brunette captor merely tosses your purple and gold nightie back to you and opens another locker door, ignoring the tee shirt and shorts she had worn.

After pulling the translucent babydoll over your head, you watch as the cruel beauty tugs into the sports bra and briefs of her cheerleading uniform. Knowing the exquisite curves of the rival school's pepster intimately over the past few hours, you can't help but think about her again as you straighten your babydoll's hem around your hips.

You glance away after Wendy is done adjusting the form-fitting top and the multi-pleated microminiskirt that she has just added over her undergarments. You don't want Wendy to catch you ogling her.

"Let's go, cupcake!" Wendy smiles, bending down to pick the looped end of your leash off the floor. She flaps the loose-hanging rawhide in the direction of the door you came in and you obediently head that way.

You find yourself in the warming embrace of the noontime sun as Wendy directs you up a path that leads to the two-way road at the top of the hill. You obediently head that way, the dog collar still tight around your neck.

As you walk ahead of the cheerleader on your tether along the earthen berm of the ascending road, you are reminded of your wardrobe as more and more cars begin to pass you. Catcalls and whoops are directed your way from the happy males inside the vehicle as you are reminded that you are hiding nothing wearing this gauzy short gown in the bright sunlight. The rays reveal everything below the plum-colored fabric. You look down and see your nipples clearly through the gilded bracups. You can only imagine what the short hem of the babydoll shows of your recently shorn pussy. You can't help but blush at the thought as more college guys drive slowly by, their heads hanging out the window. You also can't help but notice a trickle of warmth between your pussylips as well. The idea of getting wet by this display only causes you to flush a deeper crimson.

The stadium looms before you, the road heading toward the parking lot. You are surprised, then, to feel Wendy jerk you to the left. You walk down the macadam path to a low gray fieldhouse set back from the road. Apparently, this is the first stop to a winning game for Cannondale.

The two of you stop before the twin steel doors of the fieldhouse. 'NO UNAUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ALLOWED' boldly exclaims the twin red and white signs on both doors. The sign obviously doesn't include Wendy. She reaches into her cheer shoulderbag and pulls out the same large set of keys she had earlier. Finding the right one, she unlocks the door and ushers you in before her.

You walk towards the more brightly lit area ahead of you.

You gulp as you step before Wendy into the room. Her hands on your shoulders help steady you as you look ahead. They also keep you from running away.

Who is there?

--the Cannondale team?
--the opposing team?
--the officials?
--someone else?

Time remaining: 47 hrs. 15 mins.


Who is there?

          The Cannondale team


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