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Family Love | galil20 | 5


Your grin is almost devilish as you make up your mind. Your mom has always had a submissive personality so you somewhat fancy your chances at being able to bend her to your will.

“So Rebecca and dad are out and Emily is upstairs” you ask, causally brushing a wayward strand of your mothers golden hair and tucking it behind one of her cute little ears.

“That’s right it’s just you and me for now” your mom says smiling up at you “What do you want to do?”

The cock in your jeans knows exactly what it wants to do (your mother) and is it rising to the occasion. Your mother’s sweet scent and close proximity makes your fingers itch and you can’t stop yourself from slowly lifting up your mom’s shirt and sliding your hand underneath it.

“I thought we could spend some quality time together mom” you grin, gently rubbing your fingertips across the impossibly soft, smooth and flat plain of skin that makes up ’s stomach.

You feel tense up a little at your touch and her smile falters. “ what are you doing honey?” she asks nervously.

You ignore her and continue to revel in her lovely tummy using your thumb and fingers to rub gentle circular motions into her soft, warm midriff.

“ sweetheart you shouldn’t be doing that” your mom says gently trying to extract your hand from under her shirt.

“I love you mom” you say suddenly, trying to distract her from her weak resistance. Continuing to caress her stomach slowly travelling higher up and tracing the first line of her rib cage with your fingertips.

“I love you too honey, but this isn’t right I’m your mother, I don’t think you understand what you’re doing” she says quickly, still weakly trying to pull your hands out from underneath her shirt.

“I know exactly what I’m doing mom” You say seriously, glancing up at her blue eyes which turn wide at your words.

“ stop it honey this is inappropriate” her voice is becoming shaky as are her hands as they increase their efforts at removing your own from her top.

“Stop moving mother” You warn becoming increasingly agitated with her struggle and pressing your body against hers effectively trapping it between you and the kitchen counter, restricting her movements.

“Honey please stop this, your scaring mommy” pleads continuing to struggle and achieving nothing bar arousing you even further, her petite feminine body rubbing up and down against you and causing your cock to strain against the inside of your jeans.

You barley even hear her through your lust addled thoughts as your fingertips brush the cups of her lace bra. You can nearly celebrate. Your only one thin piece of flimsy material away from the incredible mix of firmness yet still soft natural, breasts you’ve lusted and fantasized over ever since you first started noticing girls.

’s body shakes uncontrollably as you cup her lace covered breasts and you groan in pleasure grinding your rock hard cock against her hip.

“Hmm soooo good mom, I love your tits” you grunt cupping her full breasts in your palms and grinding against her again.

Her lack of a response of any kind surprises you and you briefly recover your senses. Glancing at her face you are somehow shocked to see the intense fear in her eyes and the tears that threaten to fall as she sadly looks up at you.

You watch on as she opens her pretty lips summoning up all the strength she can.

“ stop now!” she demands her voice loud but trembling over every word.

You suddenly feel an immense wave of guilt flow over you. Your mom looks as scared as you’ve ever seen her and you’re the one to have caused her anxiety.

You are torn over what to do. Your mom stands there tears in her eyes looking like she is one word from breaking down and summiting to your will.

One side of you namely your throbbing dick is telling you to carry on while your conscience is telling you that you’re a monster and to stop immediately. What do you do?


Stop and apologize or keep going?


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