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Family Love | galil20 | 4


Deciding you’ve leave the unpacking till some other time, you leave the bags in the hall and make your way to the kitchen hearing the radio and a soothing voice humming along to the tune. Finding the door agar you push it lightly and peak inside.

At first glance you don’t see anyone, but looking more closely a flash of golden hair catches your eye, obscured mostly by the kitchen table. Swiftly sidestepping the table you look around it to see your mother bending over and reaching into a kitchen cupboard. You bite your lower lip; her summer dress has ridden up showing a lot a delicious vanilla thigh and the tiniest glimpse of white lace panties.

Standing still for a couple of seconds admiring the view as your mom rummages around in the cupboard you start to feel a tingling in your jeans. ‘God’ you think ‘mom really is a 42 year old goddess’ of course you always thought your mom was hot but it seems she has improved with age. Seeing a glimpse of her forbidden goodies makes you wish that you could just bend her over the kitchen counter and pull her panties to the side taking her from behind.

Your excitement however is cut short as your mother stands up again clutching a box of icing sugar in her hand, her skirt falling back into place, obscuring the white lace beneath.

You smirk craftily a mischievous idea replacing the previous one in your head. You want to surprise your mom, so you carefully tiptoe across the tiled kitchen floor towards her.

is still oblivious to your presence as she hums along to the radio and measures out some icing sugar onto a pair of digital weighing scales. In one quick motion you step forward wrapping your arms around your mother and hugging her from behind whispering “Guess who?” in her left ear.

jolts in your grasp letting out a high pitched squeal in panic, taking several seconds to recognise the voice and gentle touch as belonging to her only son.

She spins around in your arms her face has an amusing look of shock plastered on it, and looking more closely you notice she has a patch of flour on the tip of her nose.

Chuckling at her reaction you give a reassuring squeeze to the waist. “Hey Mom, I’m back” you say cheekily.

“Oh you scared me half to death” she gasps breathing somewhat heavier than normal and swaying slightly as she places a delicate hand on your chest to steady herself.
Your mom’s face becomes stern for a second “Don’t ever scare me like that again !” and your about to apologize before you spot a small grin appear at the edge of her pink lips and you can tell she isn’t as mad as she’s pretending to be.

“I didn’t think you would be back this early, but I’m glad you are” she says happily gazing up into your dark eyes she hasn’t seen in three long years.

“Hmm, I know, I was quite lucky there weren’t any delays at the airport” you say, lovingly brushing the flour off the tip of her nose and making it crinkle in the most adorable way.

You bend down slightly and plant a gentle kiss on the top of her head drawing a small whimper from your mom’s lips “Oh god , I missed you so much” she moans leaning forward into your touch.

“Something smells good” you remark. Sniffing the air there a definite smell of baking which would explain why has flour all over her, mixed with your mom’s sweet fragrance.

“Oh that’s your birthday cake, Emily and I have been slaving away at it all morning it’s baked I just have to ice it” your mom says enthusiastically pointing out the icing sugar and cake shaped object covered by a tea towel on the opposite kitchen counter.

“Hmm I meant your perfume” you say taking an exaggerated sniff of her golden hair.

Your mom giggles sweetly a faint blush reddens her cheeks “Oh how is it that you can always cheer me up?”

“I don’t know mom, why have you been feeling down recently?” you ask in concern “How has everyone been?”

Your mom takes in a deep breath and you admire the way her breasts strain again her top as she does “I…well it’s certainly not been the same without you these three years have been really hard”. “Rebecca has been…. well Rebecca” she gives you a significant look which you recognise immediately “…basically all Becca’s accomplished is driving your father and I even more insane” she pauses and you gently prod her side as encouragement to continue.

Your mother sighs sadly “And Emily hasn’t been talking to me much lately she’d much rather stay in her room with her books than socialize with anyone” your mom pauses for breath and it looks like she’s debating whether to tell you something “You know I really don’t think she has any friends at school and she hasn’t shown any interest in having a boyfriend.” A worried look plagues your mother’s beautiful face. “All she does is study up in her room and cross off the days on her calendar to when you’re coming home. Maybe you can talk to her you’ve always been her favourite ever since she could walk she would follow you around. I just don’t want her to grow up having no friends it’s not healthy”

“Okay mom I’ll talk to Em and see what I can do” anything that will impress your mom is worth some grafting.

“Thank you , what did I do to deserve such a perfect son” she coos leaning up and planting a big kiss on your cheek.

“I don’t know mom exist maybe” you tease hugging her closer to your body.

“So you still haven’t told me about dad, he didn’t seem too happy just now”
You feel a little guilty about wanting mom and dad to not be getting along, but you brush it aside almost instantly. It would make it easier to bed if you’re her favourite man.

“Oh right well your father has just been a little stressed out recently you know with his work, having to deal with two teenage daughters and well me and him haven’t been seeing eye to eye on some other stuff… oh but why am I telling you all this. Enough about my problems , how have you been?” she says quickly.

“Mom you know you can tell me anything” you say sincerely but also wanting to know more about the tension between her and your father. Information like that could be very useful to you.

“I know dear but it can wait for later, I want to hear about you” says quite insistent on the matter.

“Okay Mom, ask away, but I’ll want to know more later, alright?”
Your mom rubs her small hands together excitedly “Deal, so how was Cambridge , did you make lots of new friends, meet any nice girls?” her voice wavers a bit and you can tell she is nervous for your reply, although you’re unsure if she truly wants you to have a girlfriend or not.

“Yeah a made a lot of cool friends and quite a few of them were nice girls” you say purposely withholding the information she wants most. Your mother has always shown a great interest surrounding her children’s love life, or lack of in your and Emily’s case.

“Have you got a girlfriend ?”She asks quietly placing a soft hand on your forearm.

You look into your mother’s blue eyes fixed on your own before you take a breath and reply “No I haven’t” you hang your head in shame “mom… I couldn’t…. you know..” You look back into ’s eyes and she looks sad for you but surprisingly also a little pleased in some strange way”

composes herself quickly and her cheerful smile returns “Oh honey, never mind, I’m sure you’ll find the perfect girl soon enough” she says encouragingly.

You just about stop yourself from saying ‘I’m looking right at her’ and you
realise just how perfect your mom really is stunningly beautiful, clever, funny, sexy and most importantly she unconditionally loves you. “Look mom can we talk about something else?” you ask still rather embarrassed that you basically told your mom that you are still a virgin.

“Okay honey but you know all I want is for you to be happy” she says stroking your arm in a soothing motherly fashion.

“I know mom…” you’re about to say some more when she places a delicate index finger on your lips silencing you “Shush honey, listen” she whispers turning her head away from you and towards the agar kitchen door.

Sure enough as soon as you become silent you can hear squeaking on the staircase, followed by a slow creak of the front door opening. Quite impressed you conclude that it must be super sensitive hearing that only comes with being a parent.

“Becca?” your mom calls out in her most authoritative tone.
You hear an intake of breath in the hallway; Rebecca knows she’s been caught.

“Yes mom?”

“Where do you think you’re going Becca? I thought your father grounded you” challenges mom.

“Yeah so what? You heard me telling him to fuck off, I’m going to a party I’ll be back by tomorrow morning… Okay?” Becca calls out down the hall in her you can’t make me do anything voice that she has perfected over the years.

sighs quietly and you can just tell she’s going to let Rebecca out, must be her submissive side coming through.
Your mom Rolls her blue eyes at you, producing a wry grin from your lips before she speaks as diplomatically as possible “Okay Becca but make sure you are sober for tomorrow its ’s party if you didn’t remember”

Rebecca’s exasperated reply comes in the form of “Of course mother how could I forget, it’s all Emily’s talked about” before you hear the door slam, and you return your gaze back to your mother
“Do you think she’ll be back and sober by tomorrow?” you ask mom already predicting her answer.

crinkles her nose up at you “Hmm somehow I doubt it. Someday you’ll learn that bringing up children is very difficult”, she squeezes you slightly and smiles “I’m just thankful that I have one uncomplicated child” she says looking up at you adoringly.

You smile slightly, you’re pretty sure she wouldn’t think that If she knew some of the dark thoughts you’ve been thinking about her and your two sisters.

Only question is and one which you ask yourself; what is the best way to go about trying to seduce one of them?

Your mother already thinks the world of you, maybe if you took things slow making sure not to frighten her and played your cards right you could successfully seduce her.
However on the other hand you could try a more direct approach she has always shown indications of a submissive streak. Possibly if you went in all guns blazes so to speak she might with some astute encouragement submit to your will.


Try it on with mom now or take things slowly?

          Slowly slowly catchy monkey

          All guns blazing


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