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Family Love | galil20 | 3


You wait and then you wait some more, every so often knocking on the door again. ‘Great you think I’m home and there’s no one here to greet me’.

You let out an exasperated breath, and start to turn around when suddenly the oak wood door flies open to reveal the sight of your gorgeous mother. You have all but one second to take in her glowing face and radiant smile before a wave of golden hair obscures your vision as she literally jumps you pinning your arms to the sides and consequently making you drop your bags to the ground.
She squeals in delight and your arms instinctively wrap around her tiny waist lifting her up slightly and pulling her even closer to you. Her large breasts mash into your chest as you spin her around in the air, and you have to bite your tongue in order to stop a moan of pleasure escaping yours lips at the sensation it causes.

Readjusting your grip making sure doesn’t fall; you continue the embrace subtlety inhaling your mother’s intoxicating scent of strawberries from her golden hair.

All the while is making excited squeaking noises, the vibrations tickling your chest where her head is buried.

It feels so good to be back in your mother’s arms, but her squeezing is becoming increasingly tighter so much so that it’s almost starting to hurt.

“Mom I can’t breathe” you wheeze finally accepting that any tighter and you wouldn’t be able to inhale vital oxygen.

Hearing your words, you instantly feel relax her grip a little, but still keeping a firm hold on you “Oh god honey I’m sorry, it’s just I’m so happy your home” she says joyfully directing her blue eyes from confines of your chest and up to your face.

You smile down at your mother giving her a little playful squeeze around the waist illustrating your point “Don’t be sorry mom, I’ll forgive you, I mean it has been three years since your last cuddle”

giggles and returns your playful squeeze “Three years is too long for a mother to wait to give her baby boy a cuddle” she says a mock pout playing on her lips. However her expression changes to one a little more serious “I… I mean we all missed you so badly it hasn’t been the same without you”

You smile fondly down at “I missed you to mom, I love you” you say nuzzling the top of her head with your face.

Mom coos happily “I love you too , so muc…”

A gruff cough cuts her off mid flow and you freeze, feeling her body also tense pressing more firmly into your own. ‘Oh shit’, you wonder what this reunion looks like to a spectator, maybe not so much a son greeting his mother but rather a girlfriend’

Lifting your gaze over your mother’s head, your dad stands in the door way watching the scene, his slightly bloodshot eyes flicker over you and your mother in an all too intimate embrace.

“Hey dad” you say trying to keep your voice level”

“Welcome home son” he says slowly, his gaze flicking to where your hand rests on his wife’s lower back just above where her pantie line would be.

“Harry?” your mom asks tentatively trying to turn her head away from your chest so that she can see her husband’s expression.

Your dad ignores your mother by simply brushing past the two of you and walking directly to his truck without another word.

“Where are you going Harry? ’s only just got back” your mother calls to him.

You clearly hear your dad’s sharp intake of breath, like he’s trying to supress his temper before replying, not even bothering to turn around when doing so “To the pub, look it’s nice to see you but I’ll see you tomorrow ok?” he grumbles out.

“Fine have a good time” you say with as much fake cheeriness as you can muster up. Really you are completely uninterested in your dad’s attitude but instead just thankful that he didn’t think anything wrong about the manner in which you were holding your mother, either that or he just didn’t care.

Harry doesn’t reply as he hops into his truck, starting the engine and driving off down the road without looking back.

“What’s his problem?” You ask readjusting your grip on your ’s waist and looking into your mother’s shiny blue eyes.

half smiles and waves her hand in the air in a brushing off motion “Oh your father has just been a bit grouchy recently, don’t worry I’ll make sure he doesn’t ruin your special day tomorrow”

“Thanks Mom” you say lowering so that her feet can now reach the pavement.

“It’s alright…. ” she says raising her right hand and brushing a strand of your wayward fringe away from your eyes “Oh sweetheart you look awfully tired, must be the jet lag” “Are you sure you don’t want to go to bed early, so that your rested for your party tomorrow?” she questions looking at you with motherly concern as she takes in the prominent sleeping bags under your eyes.


Get some shut eye or spend some more time with your mom?


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