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Family Love | galil20 | 3


You wait and then you wait some more, every so often knocking on the door again. ‘Great you think I’m home and there’s no one here to greet me’.

You let out an exasperated breath, and start to turn around, when the oak wood door creaks open to the sight of your balding and red faced father. Disappointed but obligated to do so you force a smile and the words “Hey Dad, nice to see you, how you have been keeping?”

Your Dad face contorts itself into an ugly grimace “Alright considering…. your mom and Rebecca have both been nightmares” he coughs and mumbles under his breath “Nothing new there”.

He frowns again, looking up from the ground and into your eyes his grimace returning “But I’m glad your back son, maybe your mother will stop being such an attention whore now she’s got you to fuss over” he laughs at that and slaps you on the shoulder in what you assume is an attempt at a friendly manner. “She’s in the kitchen; I’ll see you tomorrow for your birthday ok?”

You raise an eye brow in question “Oh where are you going?”

Harry wipes a hand across his sweaty brow “Down the pub with the boys” he chuckles darkly “I mean , come on you can’t blame me for wanting to get away from that bitch sometime or other can you?”.

You grit your teeth and clench your fist around one of the bags you hold, how dare he insult your mother like that. If he wasn’t your dad you may just have broken his nose for that. You are extremely protective of your mother and sisters and don’t stand for anyone insulting them like that.

Fortunately Harry is oblivious to your anger, and so he continues to walk down the drive and hops into his truck, shouting out the window some final words of advice “Try not to encourage your mother too much , she becomes a clingy bitch real quick”

You watch dad’s truck pull out of the drive and turn left round the corner, before you spit on the ground in annoyance, ‘What a jerk’ you think, ‘he didn’t even bother to help me with my bags’.

Sighing to yourself while contemplating whether you have the biggest jerk of a dad in the history of mankind, you struggle to pull your entire load of luggage through the now open door way and into the hall.

Dropping your bags off in the hall, you can now hear some faint noises coming from the kitchen. Guessing it’s your mother like dad hinted, you conclude that it might be best to go and say hello to her, but you also want to get upstairs to your old room and start unpacking as quickly as possible, not to mention your feeling pretty tired after that 7 hour flight and all that driving to get back home.


See who’s in the kitchen or unpack upstairs?



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