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Thirteen For Twelve | bobbobbobthethir | 3


The first thing you notice as you touch down in Nairobi is the sweltering heat. After experiencing the Russian winter for several months, this place feels like it was lifted straight out of hell. Looking around, you can see that this place is hot in more ways than one. Their are quite a few hot ladies here, as well as a fair share of hot people of other ethnicities too.

Your identity here is that of a doctor, named Charles Xavier from Harvard Medical School. An odd name, but he’s an actual operative working for your spy agency, so the cover is that much easier to fake. The reason why you’ve assumed this role is so that you can get closer to the Minister of Interior Affairs, Odinga Karl.

According to recent reports by spies in the region, Minister Karl seems to have an illegal harem of sorts in his massive mansion complex. Furthermore, Ororo Munroe seems to be a “guest” at his house. All these facts add together to paint the picture of one of the world’s hottest women in part of one of the world’s biggest harems.

He has recently put up a request for a doctor to care for his family, and has also requested that the doctor be willing to keep secrets. Just another clue to add to the already suspicious case here. Of course, you applied to be the doctor, and with your outstanding credentials, you were chosen.

Due to your role as a doctor, you’re forced to dress in more casual clothing, and drive a very mediocre car. Of course, it’s had some modifications to make it more than it first appears to be, but it’s not quite what you are used to. You drive off towards your new residence for the next several weeks at the minimum, and even from a large distance, you can see the sprawling grounds.

The place is really quite massive, with over seven buildings located on it, each one large enough for ten people to comfortably live in. You wonder just how many girls are in this man’s harem, and after being waved through security, you head for the main house. Inside, Minister Karl is already waiting for you, and he greets you.

The two of you discuss some arrangements quickly, and then he shows you your room. Before you can get settled down, however, the Minister calls you over.

“Xavier, there are many girls who live here. Do not ask about them, and only make contact with them when they require medical assistance. Unfortunately, one of the girls has a very specific condition that you will need to take care of. My servants will brief you on this,” he says, and then leaves.

A servant quickly scurries in, and recites: “Sir, there is a woman on this complex known as Ororo Munroe. Perhaps you have heard of her, but her condition is that she requires sex at least once a week to stay alive, and once a day to stay healthy. Thank you.”

With that, the servant quickly leaves. Your heart hammers in your chest. What in the world is this? A test to see whether you will take advantage of the girls here? Or is their seriously a medical condition like this? Since you’re not an actual doctor, you have no clue at all.

What do you do? Head off to Ororo’s quarters for her daily dose of sex, or stay in your room to unpack, and possibly let her get sick?


What do you do now?


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