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A Boy at a Strict Girls School | BabyDick | 7


Doe smiles and says, "Lets do this by vote. If you think I should punish the bad girls raise your hand."
You are the only one to raise your hand Doe then says, "One vote now who thinks we should bunish the dumb little boy raise your hand."
Doe looked around and all the girls hearing this appeared with there hands raised as well as Doe herself as well as the blonde and brunette.
Doe looked back at your and said, "Thats more than one hand I guess we must punish the boy."
Your eyes widen you look around for an escape but its no use there girls blocking the exits. You realize there is no way out so you turn your back and get on the floor and stick your ass out.
You then say, "I am ready for my spanking."
The girls laugh


What happens next?


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