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Three Days | kendahl6969 | 22


You stand at the edge of the gymnasium's shower stalls and watch the rest of the Cannondale College cheerleading squad head towards you, bemused smiles on their faces. Soon, you are surrounded by the wet, dripping hardbodies that comprise this elite drill team.

"Oh, Brittany, you really did a good job with her outfit!" remarks one cheerleader as she appraises your plum and gold-colored lingerie. You feel a hand smooth through your hair, picking up the ponytail with the ribbons of your school colors.

"Yeah, considering what you had to work with!" responds another, unworried about your feelings. The others giggle.

You remember, as attention is drawn to the school colors you wear, to perservere. The colors help to remind you to represent your school proudly, no matter what these nasty girls might say. You are here to honor your school's part in a bet, and that is what you will do.

You feel yourself being poked and prodded by the Cannondale coeds. One girl takes Wendy's clothes from your hands and gently places the pile in a nearby locker. Another lifts the skimpy babydoll nightie's hem, pulling the garment up and over your head as another girl lifts your arms to ease the removal.

"We don't want to get your 'uniform' wet!" giggles the first girl as they toss it with Wendy's things. The crowd then jostles you into the tiled walls of the still-flowing showers.

"Better get this nasty girl nice and clean!" says another as they hold you under the needle-like spray of the showerhead.

You cough and sputter, feeling many hands busy on your curves, soaping you up. Once again you are pushed beneath the hot spray, the soapy bubbles rinsing towards the floor drain.

Anonymous hands move you again, and you find yourself on your knees under the pelting showers as each girl fights to be at the head of the line. Finally, they form a circle, and have you slowly rotate around them.

Bushy pussies, bald pussies, black pussies, white pussies, it doesn't really matter after awhile. All you do is close your eyes and dive your now-aching tongue into the greedy snatches of your tormentors. You endure the name-calling, the hair-pulling, as you continue to service each and every Cannondale cunny.

Finally, the squad all satiated from your increasingly more expert machinations, you look up from the puddle of water you're now seated in and await further instructions.

The circle of naked coeds parts and the still-naked Wendy offers you a hand up.

"I'm afraid it's time to put her to work, girls!" Wendy smiles, over a chorus of "awwwws" and "already?"s

"Everybody get ready and meet me at the usual place outside the stadium. It's time for me to put our prize to work so that we may be assured another win for Cannondale!" Wendy coaches her squad.

"Cannondale!" they all shout, as if on cue, their fists bumping each other's in the middle of an impromptu huddle.

What's Wendy have planned?

--Use you to wear out their opponents
--Use you as a team incentive
--Use you to bribe the refs?
--All of the above?

Time remaining: 48 hrs.


What's Wendy planned?

          All of the above


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