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A Bird in the Hand. | Ajaxiss | 5


You were tasked by your master emperor Lee to go deep undercover and give your life to assassinate the evil invading emperor from their far away land. Knowing that you would mostly not return the emperor promised golden riches, girl, properties, and titles to rival his heir, and greatest of all the chance to play the Great Game as a member of his house for the throne.

He specifically mentioned destroying the last of his enemies lineage. The evil emperor kept close his 2nd son, and daughter. You were tasked to remove both as well or not to come back!

The emperor you were sent to see about a early grave was named Iden. He was in his late sixties and had thick grey hair and a goatee. His body was cover in the scars of many battles faught and on any chosen day his outfit was always spartan and military. He would be no easy target and his entourage would likely see you dead for coming near unannounced.

His 2nd son and heir was blood named Jubal. He was of red hair and rosy cheeks. A great bear of a man whom followed his fathers lean towards fashion, temperament, and build. Known to frequently engage a local whorehouse, and a favorite bar for soldiers, you have your pick of places to take him outside of his fathers power and protection.

His majesty's sole daughter was blood named Natalie. Of red hair and slim build she was not short but never taller than many men she had a ferocious temperament, was known to be stubborn and willful, and a saint where her fathers wishes were concerned. Her father Iden schooled her in self-defence, weaponry, and respect of gods. As handmaiden to one of their pagan and heathen gods she has taken no man inside her in anyway. Nor will until her father consents her marry. Cloistered close to their fortress she will be hard to get to, but a necessary distraction.

Which target do you go for first?


Whom do you go to kill first?


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