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Costumed! | BabyDick | 10


Wendy got up around 8. She went into the bathroom and sat down for her morning poo but before she could have a movement the phone rang.

Wendy picked up and said, "Hello"

It was her daughter she said, "Hey ma just calling to see if theres anything new going on."

Wendy said, "No nothing new baby whats new with you."

Her daughter laughed a little and said, "Really nothing new. Anything Change last night."

Wendy thinking about the party said, "No nothings knew why do you ask baby."

Her daughter said, "Oh no big deal but have you been online or watched TV."

Wendy said, "No why?"

Her daughter said, "Turn it on and go to a news station."

Wendy got up off the toilet still no movement walked over to her bedroom tv where she put the news station. She heard an anchorman said, "Well as everyone knows and probably seen the viral video that has become an overnight hit of a women getting masturbated and then changed in a diaper. Its breaking records. Well we found out that the women in the video is a resident in our town. We have a reporter in front of her house her name is Wendy."

Wendy dropped the phone her daughter saying, "Mom mom you ok."

The reporter said, "Thank you I am standing in front of the newest internet sensation Wendy. At this address. Now many are asking was this just a drunken halloween costume prank gone bad or what. For answer I will be interviewing her ex husband Ted."

The reporter asked Ted, "So that was just a halloween costume right."

Ted said, "Yes and no."

The reporter looked confused, "What do you mean by that?"

Ted lied through his teeth and said, "I could lie and say yes that was a drunken mistake but thats not the case. Its a secret she has held."

Ted looked at the camera and said, "Wendy I am sorry but you need to be honest about yourself."

The reporter said, "What secret?"

Ted said, "Well when I first met Wendy I didnt realize but after we got married she told me that she is in her mind a baby in a women's body."

The reporter asked, "What do you mean she is a baby in a women's body?"

Ted said, "Well many things she loves wearing diapers and hates any kind of underwear from panties thongs to even little girl underwear."

The reporter said, "So how has she kept her secret without alerting anyone I mean diapers are not only bulky but noisy right."

Ted said, "Well she would rather go commando then wear underwear instead of diapers . She would rather be viewed as a slut then tell people she wears diapers."
The reporter said, "Really!"

Ted said, "Oh yeah she is so secretive that our own daughter doesnt know this about her mother."

The reporter said, "Really how has she kept that secret from her daughter."

Ted said, "Well by dressing slutty and making people think a certain way."

The reporter said, "All to not wear underwear."

Ted said, " Oh yeah but theres more hates underwear so much she used a major chunk of my money to have spells cast."

The reporter said, " Wait what."

Ted said, "Oh yeah one year I tried to get her to wear some kind of under garment besides diapers by hiding them and stocking her dresser full of panties, thongs and others. Well Wendy went to different magical sites and bought $10,000 worth of wish spells and made them all wish that any kind of under garment she wore would turn into a diaper. Well apparently it worked. I didnt think it would but it did. So she got to wear diapers again."

The reporter laughed and looked at the camera, "Really so underwear put on her changes to diaper. I bet a lot of people will test that out."

Ted said, "Yeah but it gets worse."

The reporter said, "Worse than only wearing diapers."

Ted said, "She wont change her own diaper and makes others do it. I have done it a couple times

The reporter said, "Wait you changed her diaper?"

Ted said, "Yeah."

The reporter said, "Really what happens if no one is around."

Ted said, "I remember going on business trips for a week. I come back and her diaper is sagging she will wait a whole week in a dirty diaper."

The reporter said, "Is that it."

Ted said, "There many other quirks she has. But I will only say a few.If you put a pacifier in her mouth she wont take it out unless someone pulls it out. Its a way I kept her quiet when she would nag me. Also she wont use toilets she only goes either in diaper, on the ground or in a baby potty."

Ted then turned puppy dog eyes on and said, "Wendy again if your watching this I am sorry. I know you wanted to hide your true self but its ok the world now knows your a baby trapped in a womens body. Its ok to come out we might laugh and judge but be true to yourself."

The reporter said, "Wow really and you stayed married to her for 21 years."

Ted said, "Well yeah for a couple reasons to hide this from our daughter I am guessing till now and a I fell in love with her and I didnt mind all her quirks. Actually she was a sexual nymph with them."

The reporter stopped him mid sentence, "What do you mean she was a sexual nymph."

Ted said, "Well Wendy gets extremely horny around baby items like sleeping in gribs but especially when you change her diaper. Sometimes she would be covered in poo and still want to I tried to back down but her charm and beauty gives you a arrousel and you can pound her or she jumps you. Plus I felt sorry for her I dont think she can survive on her own."

The reporter looked at the cam, "There you have it. And Wendy be true to yourself come on out in a diaper and we will gladly change you baby."

The reporter than had the camera turned showing thousands of people lined up holding diaper bags.

The reporter said, "Right people Come out Baby Wendy we wont judge you."

Wendy after watching it and hearing it remembered the phone. She picked it up and realized her daughter hung up. Wendy quickly picked up a robe and walked to the front door while putting it on.She walked out to see the crowd.

The crowd cheered and then started chanting, "Baby Wendy baby Wendy."

Then a diaper was thrown. Then people started throwing diaper from one diaper to a pack and in different size from baby to adult depends. Others threw diaper bags full of baby supplies. Others threw sex objects like vibrators. After they where done and before a new group came in Wendy realized now was the time before the next batch of items came in. She walked up to the gate and the reporter speaking to the camera said, "People Wendy has come out and will speak with us."

The reporter put the microphone up to the gate and said, "So what do you have to say about the allegations and rumors that you love wearing diapers and will either wear a diaper or nothing at all."

Wendy looked at Ted with a burning hatred the reporter chimed in again, "Its ok if its true baby Wendy are you really a baby in a women's body."

Wendy looked at the camera and said, "No its all lies."

The reporter said, "If thats true undo your robe and show us your underwear."

Wendy said, "No I am not showing my underwear. Now good day."


What happens next

          Wendy heads back but ends up taking a dump on her own front lawn


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