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Den of the Cave Toads | techtactic | 11


Before Cecilia could pose a question the woman stepped away, vanishing beyond her field of vision. The paladin grimaced and struggled again, but the weight of the other women proved no less oppressive.

She stopped suddenly at a metallic clank. Her ears strained as a scraping sound filled the cave, then silence. Cecilia began to feel intimately aware of her own vulnerability, a shiver working its way down from her spine. For a long moment the cave was silent save the pleasured groans of the few women who had been too far gone on the toad venom to notice their superior’s orders. The paladin could almost feel their pleasured groans as they viciously pumped and fingered their sopping cunts, wailing keenly in orgasm. The stench of stale cum, sex, and sweat from the women who remained atop her filled her senses, her face heating up at this debauched atmosphere.

Then, the sound recommenced, and it was far from comforting. A sawing, the crack of bone, sawing once more, and a clang of metal on stone. Cecilia clenched her teeth, trying to block out the unholy melody of sexual tandem, the perfume of arousal and satiation, and the mysterious purpose which her tormentor had abandoned her for.

Despite her best efforts, after a far louder clang, she could heat soft, purposeful footfalls. She held her breath as the silky skin crisscrossed with black ink returned, a smirk of exultant triumph on the tattooed woman’s face. She held up a hand, and Cecilia felt her run blood cold.

“!” the paladin gasped, her eyes wide and pleading. “P-please no. You don’t…you don’t have to do this!”

The seductress laughed in amusement. “Of course I don’t.” She squatted over Cecilia, her mound so close the knight could smell the deep, earthy scent of her arousal. Smiling cruelly, Cecilia’s tormentor brought forth what she now held. “I want to!”

Cecilia quivered as a few drops of blood fell onto her cheek from the ragged flesh of what was once a toad’s hand. The fingers were already fixed in a position of attack as they were in death, their venomous barbs glittering in the frail light of the cave.

“No. No!” Cecilia screamed. “I won’t let you!” She thrashed beneath the pile of women with the strength of desperation, throwing her head about to deny her tormentor an avenue of attack.

A bronzed hand lashed out, grabbing Cecilia by the hair. “Quit squirming!” the chosen one roared, jerking on the golden locks so hard tears pricked the corners of the paladin’s eyes. Cecilia tried to keep struggling but the grip was like iron, holding her with ease.

“Please,” she whispered, watching with wide eyes as the claw drew closer, talons dripping green with venom. “Please…please don’t.” The woman merely smiled. With painful slowness, as though she were caressing the paladin’s cheek, she drew several thin cuts in the pale flesh with the envenomed claws.

“Please. Nooooooooo!” Fire erupted in Cecilia’s blood. Her face flushed with arousal, eyes rolling back at the flood of sensations. Her entire body twined and convulsed, every sense aflame with a need to be touched, caressed and used. Her nipples grew diamond hard, her shaking scraping them against the cool metal of her breastplate and making her moan at the sensation.

But none of that could compare when it reached her lower realms. Cecilia jumped with a gasp, straining against the weight upon her, the armour which covered her, and her morals at the fire which ignited within her fertile depths. She could already feel her panties dampening with desire, her pussy clenching with the need to be filled. Her legs struggled to cross protectively before her mound, to little avail.

Cecilia wasn’t even aware of the tattooed face pressing closer, smiling with satisfaction at the chaste woman’s wanton cries of need. “That’s it,” she breathed into the paladin’s face. “Yield to it. This is what you want. Tell me. Just say the word,” she said, pressing her lips against Cecilia’s. The paladin, so lost within the throes of her pleasure responded eagerly to the touch, any touch against her burning flesh. The seductress pulled back however, leaving Cecilia to stare up with eyes burning in helpless passion. “Tell me you want this,” she hissed.


Does Cecilia give in?


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