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Den of the Cave Toads | techtactic | 10


The women, the ones still marginally in command of their senses, stared up at the paladin in fear. With surprise, Cecilia watched them shuffle behind a larger woman, her nudity revealing her bountiful assets shamelessly. Cecilia stared into the defiant eyes of the woman, her black hair coiling about her head in waves while tattoos with some arcane meanings flowed across her shapely body.

Thinking perhaps to put the women at ease, Cecilia reached up and removed her helm, golden hair bouncing free about her cherubic face, beautiful in with cheeks flushed of victory. The knight tried to smile comfortingly, and repeated her assurances.

The black haired woman looked from the knight to the bodies of the toads. As she examined the carnage, a snarl curled her lips. “What have you done,” she hissed, rising before Cecilia in righteous anger. “What have you done!”

The knight started at her words being thrown back in her face with such vehemence. She pulled back, but failed to close the distance as the wild woman followed her. An accusing finger stabbed toward the holy knight. “Get her! She killed them!”

Snapping form their stupor, the women who had been subjected to the toads tender mercies suddenly turned on their saviour like wild beasts. In a mass they rushed the knight. Cecilia at once raised her sword and shield, but hesitated to strike at the ones she had come to save.

This hesitation proved her downfall, for the slaves of the toads had none. They bore Cecilia to the ground with their own bodyweight, their naked bodies grasping and rubbing at Cecilia as they forced her down, some moaning lewdly at the contact with their nethers. Only then did Cecilia try to struggle beneath the mass of female flesh. “Release me at once!” she shrieked. “I’m here to save you damn it! Release me! Get off me!”

“The sword!” the tattooed woman barked as she straddled the knights chest. “Get it away!” Enthusiastic fingers pried Cecilia’s sword away, despite her shrieking protests.

“What are you doing! Get off me! Stop…let me go! What…What in the god’s names are you doing!” she cried, her voice taking on an edge of panic as her sword was stripped from her.

“The shield too!” Cecilia’s chief attacker added. There was a chorus of assents and Cecilia felt her shield being tugged. Desperately she clung to it, but like the situation at large it quickly escaped her control.

“Wh…why are you doing this?” Cecilia demanded, staring up at the woman atop her chest. The vixen turned her attention to the victim beneath her, a look of cruel fury on her face.

“Why? Why would you do this?” she hissed, gesturing to the carnage just beyond the knight’s line of sight. “We were chosen! It is a gift to be given the seed of the masters. And you…you killed them for it!”

“Are you mad!” Cecilia retorted in horror. “You’re…you’re slaves! Not even that. You are nothing but cattle!” She looked around desperately for help amongst the others women, but immediately realized they would be of none. Their eyes were dull and vacant like the waters of an empty well. They were broken to the addiction of the toads venom and life as nothing more than breeding stock for their wretched masters. All showed signs of their use at the monster’s webbed hands, be they bruises, scratches from venom laced claws, or even in some the first swelling of pregnancy. In all likelihood, they attacked Cecilia merely because they had been told to.

Cecilia’s attention was once more called to the woman atop her as the tattooed figure laughed raucously. She leaned forward, the prudish paladin blushing as the vast orbs of the woman’s breasts swayed near. Cecilia focused on the face, and shuddered at the fanatical exultation showing there. “How could you understand?” the woman hissed into the paladin’s face. “The masters granted us the gifts of their seed. To usher in a new dawn of dominance for their race. Theirs is the future. How can we deny them, when they reward our obedience with such…” She leaned in even closer. Cecilia watched in horror as the woman slowly ran a hand down the knight’s golden hair. “Pleasure,” she whispered as though the very word were divine.

A shudder coursed down the knight’s spine. The woman smiled. “You do not understand. So few can. I do. Which is why I am a favourite.” At the word ‘favourite’, the woman ran a sensual hand along the tattoos draping her nude form, caressing from a wide hip up the slender belly and onto a bulging breast, there tweaking a nipple which ended a swirled design and giving the markings a world of new meanings.

“You’re mad,” Cecilia whispered in horror.

There was a crack of flesh against flesh. Cecilia stared aghast at the inked hand above her, feeling her cheek redden and sting at the impact. The woman sneered, yet the expression only lasted a moment. A sudden wicked gleam shone in her eye and curled in a smile. She laughed harshly. “Mad am I? Oh no,” she whispered, rising to tower over Cecilia, her bare pussy directly over the paladin’s face, forcing her to stare up it and between the valley of her tormentors breasts to see the promising smile. “I think you just need to better understand.”


How is she instructed?

          Her tormentor takes it in hand.


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