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The Walking Dead | Ultimatesextool | 6


The uncuffed zombie lunges at you on the floor and grabs your ankle. You hastily try to kick his grip off by kicking his hand with your other foot, but it doesn't seem to be working. His grip is locked tight.

And to make things worse, you see the punk looking creature closing the gap between you both. Since your hands are locked behind your back, you know that there's not much you can do once he gets to you.

"Shit!" You growl out, still attempting to keep the undead officer's teeth away from your ankle.


The punk zombie that was less than three feet away from you gurgles, then falls across your mid-section.


You flinch as blood flies into your face. You look up and can see the female officer standing above the now immobile zombie that was grabbing at your ankle, with a gun with a smoking barrel pointed at its head.

You do the math, she saved your life.

Or maybe you saved her's, who knows.

Coming back to your senses, you kick the zombie that was grabbing your ankle off of you, reassuring that it's completely dead. The weight of the punk lying on your chest, along with the weight of your own body, is starting to hurt your hands underneath you.

"Hey, can you get this thing off me?" You ask the officer, who is still looking down at the other officer she just killed. She hasn't moved since she fired the gun.

"Hey." You say a bit louder, which seems to snap her out of it. She fixes her gaze at you, "Some help, please?" You gesture toward the punk on top of you.

The officer hesitantly nods and drags the body off of you. Since you're still cuffed, she then stands behind you, grabs your torso and struggles to get you back to your feet, with the assistance of your lower body.

"Thanks." You mumble as you stand on your feet. You look back at the officer and can still see her staring at the dead undead officer.

It dawns on you that she must've known him. And now he's no longer moving, because of her.

"...What the fuck is happening...?" She whispers, still fixed on the being with blood spreading over the floor through the hole in its head. "This can't be real... This is a dream... A nightmare..."

You can only watch as tears begin filling her eyes.

You want to believe that this is a dream yourself. But everything felt far to real for this to be a dream.

"Come on." You say to her, "We gotta go. We don't know if more of them are in here."

She still stands there, tears falling as she looks in disbelief at what she sees lying down on the floor.

You would grab her, but again, the handcuff issue.

You would call her by her name, but that you don't know, "Hey, come on! I don't think this place is safe. And we're in the middle of a dead end, so don't you think we should go now?" You tell her. You don't mean to be rude to her, who knows what relationship she had with that man. But going now would be the best option.

You seem to snap her out of it as she looks at you, then wipes her eyes. She puts a hand in her pocket and walks behind you.

The next minute, you feel her fussing with the cuffs, then you feel them untighten from around your wrists.

You rub your sore wrists now that your hands are free.

Then, the next second, you hear hissing and groaning from around the corner. Another one.

"Shit, we have to go!" You exclaim. Thinking fast, you grab the gun from the holster of the dead officer, and turn the safety off.

The female looks in terror, as you'll both have to go in the direction of the zombie that just fixed it's eyes on you and her.

You aim and fire the gun at the undead being's head.


You missed the first shot, but got a good headshot after.

"Come on!" You shout to the officer, running toward the exit before anymore can come. You hear the officer trail behind you, and you both soon exit the building, heading for the parked police car in front of it.

You quickly enter the passenger's seat as she enters the driver's seat. You urge her to start the car as you eject the clip from the gun you have for a bullet count.


You look up through the windshield of the car.

Hundreds of them. About a hundred feet away. Heading straight for you both. On the street and on the sidewalks.

"...Fuck..." You find the all of your breath escaped you. "Start the car!" You shout. She responds immediately and gets the engine going. She puts it in drive and the tires screech as she pushes on the gas so hard, you almost dropped the gun.

"Oh my God, what should I do?!"

"Just keep on the gas!" You shout, watching them all get closer and closer.

"But there's too many of them!"

"Just ram 'em! Whatever you do, do not fucking take your foot off the gas!"

You hear the car go into the next gear.

Then seconds later, the car is bombarded with bodies. The loud noise of flesh hitting the hard metal of the vehicle is going to haunt you. She screams as the car pushes past body after body. Leaving dents and leaving blood marks all over it.

Soon, you find that the last one smashed the windshield, making it hard for the both of you to see. You raise your foot and kick the window out as hard as you can. The window soon flies past the car, and you both find the road is now clear of the undead.

Your adrenaline hasn't pumped this fast in years. You find yourself shaking.

"Oh shit..." You gasp. You didn't know how hard you were grabbing onto your seat until now. You look over and can see the woman in the same condition you're in. Her eyes are wide open, in disbelief at what just happened. You could tell by how the veins in her hands and arms are popping out that she's got an insane grip on that steering wheel.

"H-Head for the highway... We can't stay here..." You mumble. She nods and follows your advice.


What now?

          The Aftermath


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