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Senior year at college | kucerakatie | 2


Cara’s first class of the day was Biology with Ms Cheryl Karcott. Cara was not that good at Biology, she found all of the scientific names and classifications confusing. To make the class even more difficult she was distracted by her interest in Ms Karcott. Frequently Cara found herself staring at the 56yr old woman and fantasizing about being with the teacher. Today was no different, Cara was staring at Cheryl who was wearing a thin white blouse and beige colored pants. Occasionally when her teacher was in front of the window Cara thought the light hit Cheryl’s blouse right to make it somewhat transparent and she could see the shape of her teacher’s bra.

“Cara, Cara, Cara.” Ms Karcott’s voice was saying and Cara realized the teacher was talking to her. Cara snapped out of her fantasy and found out the class was over and the other students were leaving.

“Cara you looked like you were daydreaming for most of my class. Did you learn anything today?” Ms Karcott asked as the last student left and she walked over to where Cara was sitting.

“Yes, I did.” Cara said gathering her books up and putting them in her bag.

“What did you learn?” Ms Karcott asked. “I didn’t see you write any notes about my lecture.”

“Well.” Cara looked at her teacher and then her desk.

“That is what I thought.” Cheryl frowned at her student. “Why don’t you come in my office and we’ll talk.”

Cara nodded and got up to follow Ms Karcott to the teacher’s office. She expected a grilling from the teacher especially considering that a test was coming up in the next few days. Ms Karcott gestured for her to sit and Cara did while Cheryl closed the door and then sat next to Cara.

“Cara, I’m concerned because I have noticed this is a habit of yours, you will seem to lose attention to the class and space off.” Cheryl said looking at Cara.

“I’m sorry Ms Karcott.” Cara looked at the floor. “I will try to pay better attention.”

Cheryl brushed Cara’s cheek with her hand and lifted her student’s face towards hers. “Cara, I want you to do well in my class, and I will help you, but I need you to work with me.”

Cara smiled weakly and nodded.

“How are your other classes going, are things ok outside of class?” Cheryl asked, looking at Cara concerned.

“My other classes are ok.” Cara said, “I get kind of bored and lonely though outside of class.”

“Are you not getting along with your friends? Or having relationship troubles?” Cheryl said gently stroking Cara’s arm.

“I don’t have too many friends since I transferred here for just my last year. And I am not in a relationship so I don’t have anyone really.”

“Oh I’m sorry sweetie.” Cheryl smiled at Cara as she continued rubbing Cara’s arm. “is there anyone you are interested in? Maybe they don’t know about your feelings.”


Does Cara tell Ms Karcott who she is interested in?

          Yes, she does

          No, Cara is too nervous


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