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The Walking Dead | ultimatesextool | 3


Thinking fast, you grab the officers hand gun from the holster around her hips, and quickly turn the safety off. You aim it at the monster's head, who just grabbed the police officer.

Had you have been any slower, the monster would have sunk it's teeth directly into her collarbone.

You flinch a bit from the loud bang the gun made. Your ears ring a bit, and the 'man' drops to the ground, with it's blood pouring all over the freeway's road.

As everything got eerily silent, with your and the officer's breathing being the only sound available in the area, the sky suddenly started to pour.

Your adrenaline at the moment was quite high, and telling by the look on the officer's face, so was her's. She looks down at the being with a bullet through its head with wide eyes.

"Are... Are you okay?" You ask. She looks back at you.

"...Get on the car, now!" She shouts. You snatches her gun from you, and spins you around before forcefully slamming you against the hood of your own car. Your face hits the wet metal hard.

"H-Hey, what the hell! I just saved your life!" You exclaim, feeling handcuffs being locked tightly around your wrists behind your back. She then yanks you up and pushes you toward the police car, forcing you to walk towards it. She opens the door to the back seats and forces you in there, hitting your head against the top of the roof beforehand. The girl is stronger than she looks.

"Wait, that thing was about to attack you! Why are you arresting me?!" You demand to know once she enters the driver's seat.

"You just took an officer's gun and shot an innocent man!" She says, looking back at you with a fierce expression through the iron gate.

"I just saved your life! If I didn't do what I did, who knows what would have happened to you! I--"

"Enough!" She yells, starting her car. She then pulls off, passing your car.

The only sounds in the car was her ragged breathing and the raindrops pounding against the top of the car. You sigh as your adrenaline levels go down a bit. This lady is a real asshole.

You look at her as she tries to contact the dispatcher, growing more frantic with each try. But she recieved no reply, just static.

"...That thing wasn't human, and you know that." You mumble. She looks through her rear view mirror to turn her angry eyes toward you, "You saw what it looked like... That must've been what the infection does to people. Just like those zombie movies." You look right into her eyes, "And I think that was a zombie about to kill you."

"Shut up!" Is all she can retort with. "I'm taking you back to the precinct and you'll be dealt with there."

You just sigh and stare out the window. Your hands are cuffed, and you're locked in the back of a police car. There's not much you can do.

Soon, you arrive at the precinct. It was in the city where you lived, but on the other side of town. The whole ride there, you didn't see a single car on the road or a person on the sidewalk, even as you entered the city.

This is where you start to realize, the media wasn't blowing this infection out of proportion.

The officer exits the vehicle, and takes you with her. She pushes you through the doors of the building, only to see...

Nobody is here.

The room is empty. No sign of life anywhere, even beyond this room.

The brunette who's name is still a mystery to you slowly walks deeper into the room, looking around, "...Hello? Where is everybody?"

That was a question you wanted to know yourself.

She pauses, then looks at you, "Stay here." She commands.

"I don't plan on going anywhere just yet, trust me." You say, gesturing toward the cuffs locking your hands together. She sneers, then goes through a door that lead her deeper into the building.

Everything was quiet once she left. You could still hear the raindrops pouring outside.

Now alone, you decide to take a look around the room, at portraits of other officers on the walls, certificates, etc.

Then is when you think about the man, no... Thing you shot earlier. That thing.... Was no longer human. Had you no have done what you did, you're sure that hardass cop would have been in serious pain right now, or even worse. Working at a gun shop, you've held numerous amounts of different weapons, and have quite a bit of experience handling them. That 9mm Glock pistol you used a few minutes ago was one of the basic guns you've ever used, which is how you were so quick in using it.

But today was the first time you've ever used a gun to kill.

Well, to kill a human, anyway. You're dad has taken you hunting before when you were younger, and you've shot a few bucks and deer before. But you've never shot another human... Or whatever that 'thing' was.

Thinking about it has made you wonder, what if he was actually an innocent man, like the officer said?

No, you're pretty sure that thing was an infected being that had to be put down. It's face was grotesque, not one that you'll ever forget. And it was about to attack that lady, so you acted in defense for both your and her sake. Of course you're not the bad guy here.

Just then is when you hear a scream.

You could tell that it came from that officer that locked you in those cuffs a few minutes ago. Your first reaction was to run and help her, but a thought came to you:

You don't have to.

That officer was the one who locked you in those cuffs. If she wasn't an asshole about everything, you'd feel more inclined to help her. Besides, who knows what kind of trouble she's in, you don't know whats beyond that door. Maybe she's being attacked by people who are infected, just like that thing you ran into earlier. Maybe she's can handle herself, she's the one with her gun, after all. And now maybe your chance to escape. Also, with your hands stuck like this, you might just be putting yourself at risk. Yeah, she could need your help, but do you really think you're up to jeopordising your life for her sake?

However, you know you wont be able to do much, with your hands cuffed behind your back. If you try to leave, you know you may need to need both your hands if you run into trouble. That lady may be a bit of a bitch, but she's the one with the key. She's the one who can set you free, if she's up to it. Now may be your chance to run to save yourself, but how important do you think that key is to you?


Will you go in there, or leave?

          Chivalry (and hopefully you) aren’t dead yet.

          Screw her, get the hell out of there.


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