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The Shortest Straw | ultimatesextool | 5


Figuring that being the typical nice guy has gotten you this far, you decide to keep at it. You hesitantly remove Nyra's hand from your groin.

"Wait... I can't do this, right now." You say, shaking your head.

Nyra frowns, "Why not?"

You look at her, "Because, I was outside trying to get to a friend's house to make sure they're okay. And I want to get to them as soon as possible." You come up with an idea, "Do you have a phone I can use?"

The brunette shakes her head, "Sorry, Sendy and I lost our phones the day the infection broke out. If we had them, I'm pretty sure we'd be out of town by now."

You curse under your breath, "So I'm assuming you don't have a car, either."

"We do, but it has only a little bit of gas. Sendy and I were only going to use it when it was absolutely necessary to leave here. There isn't a gas station for another thirty or so miles from here, and we wouldn't want to get stranded in the middle of the street."

You nod. Smart thinkers, these two women are.

You almost snap your neck to look at her once you come up with an idea, "You wouldn't happen to have an Iphone charger by any chance, right?" You ask, remembering that you still have a functioning, but dead phone in your pocket.

Nyra thinks for a minute, "I've never had an Iphone, but I know Sendy did. Maybe she still has her's around here somewhere."

You and Nyra get up and you follow her upstairs. There was a hallway with four doors, and you follow her to the one at the end. On the other side of it, you can hear faint sobbing.

Nyra knocks on the door, "Sendy?" She says carefully, "I'm coming in, okay?" Sendy's sobs stop temporarily, and you both hear her mumble something, which Nyra assumes was a sign of confirmation. She opens the door, and you can see Sendy lying on a bed, with her head in her folded arms, crying her eyes out.

Nyra sits down on the bed and pats Sendy's back, "Hey, listen, I know you're still very upset about what happened to Ruth. It'll be okay, we just gotta stay strong." Sendy's crying didn't halt for one second, "But listen... needs an Iphone charger. Do you happen to still have yours?"

Sendy slowly rises her head up to look at Nyra, then you. She nods, "There's... one in my drawer." She mumbles with a cracking voice, pointing at a dresser across from the bed. Nyra gets up, finds the charger, and hands it to you. You sigh, finally happy that you can check up on Arisa and .

"Thank you, Sendy." You tell her with a faint smile.

Sendy looks at you, then manages to crack a barely noticeable smile back at you, "You're welcome."

"Come on," says Nyra, "I think Sendy wants to be alone for a while." You nod and you both head out the door.

But before you close the door, "...?"

You peep your head back into the door, "Yeah?"

"Sorry about earlier." She says with all seriousness.

You nod, cracking another smile, "It's alright." With that you exit.

You and Nyra make it back into the living room and sit back onto the couch. You plug the charger into a nearby outlet, and hook it up to your Iphone. You notice that it now has a crack in the screen, probably from your tangle with 'Ruth'.

You sigh in relief when you see that it's charging, and immediately turn it on. Once powered up, you waste no time finding 's number in your address book.

You hold the phone up to your ear after pressing the call button. On the third ring, someone picks up, "Hello?"

You were relieved to hear 's voice again, ", are you okay?"

"Yeah? I'm fine, just waiting on you to get here." She said, confused by your tone of voice.

"You have the house boarded up and protected, right?"

"Yeah. Are you okay, ? You sound... anxious."

You sigh. Maybe hasn't seen the infection for herself yet, "Listen. I got into a car accident, and my car is wrecked, and-"

"Oh my God! Are you alright...?!"

"Yeah, I'm at..." You look at Nyra, "A friend's house for now. I don't know how long it'll take until I can get to you, but until then, stay in the house. It's dangerous outside. And call me if anything happens, okay?"

"Alright..." You can tell that you scared her a little. Good. Now she'll have her guard up, ", just be careful."

"I will. And same goes to you." With that, you hang up.

Things were a bit quiet until, "See what I mean about you being a great guy?" Nyra says to you.

You look at her, "What do you mean?"

", you saved my life today. And a few minutes ago, you just turned down sex from a willing woman to make sure your friends were okay. I don't know a lot of men that would do that, especially in a choatic time like this." She says seriously.

You smile and shrug, "I guess I just have my priorities in order."

"And I find that sexy." She kisses you. Her soft lips press firmly against yours, and you return the favor.

Before you decide to add any tongue action, she pulls away, "By any chance... would you happen to be staying here a little bit longer?" She asks suggestively. You know your friend is okay now, and you're smart enough to know not to head out on the streets again so soon. Besides, you know you at least have to stay until your phone is completely charged. Nyra says that she has a car and, although with a small amount of gas, that seems to be your only means of getting out of here.

But do you really want to leave so soon? Nyra seems to want you to stay, and it seems like that's your only option at the moment. And since you know that and Arisa are safe, you have nothing to stop you from having sex with her.

Or you can take a risk, and steal the keys from Nyra. You seem to have earned her trust, and you know that you're stronger than her. You can easily force her to tell you where the key to her car is and leave without much trouble. But its like she said, there's only a small amount of gas in that tank, so you have to admit, there's a big risk of everything going downhill if you decide to go through with that plan.


What will you do?


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