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Hollow man | yoyo1342 | 22


“Ok, that’s fine, they say that anticipation is the fun part anyway, right?” You say, shrugging your shoulders.

“It is, and you never know what can happen,” Meryl whispers, her mouth close enough to your hear the her breath feels like fire.

So you all head up the trail, with Julie leading the way. The trail winds around for a minute, but after a minute you reach a place where a narrow side-trail splits off and Julie heads down that towards the top of the waterfall. When you get there, you can feel what Kate was talking about. There is a clearing big enough that the sun shines directly on the pool. The water is flowing quickly through it is still quite cold, but the water is relatively shallow and there are rocks in the pool that you can comfortably sit on allowing you to lounge in the water with your top in the warm air.

You dip yourself in, and the cold is uncomfortable at first, but it’s actually a relief on your seriously over-stimulated cock. The girls follow you in, Meryl sits right next to you on the same large rock you’re on and puts one of her legs over yours. Kate and Julie sit across the pool from you. You watch them slide in to the water, see the goose-bumps creep over their bodies. See the skin tighten on Kate’s little breasts, and her nipples stiffen. As the water rises over Julie’s hips, covering her pussy, she lets out a little squeak that sends a little jolt to your cock. Normally you’re a cooler customer than this, but your brain is clearly wiring all signals through neurons deal with sex. As you watch the sisters slide in to the water, your hand slides over to Meryl’s lap, coming to rest over her slit. In turn, Meryl slides her hand over so that it’s resting gently around your cock. All of this happens below the water, while above the water, you do your best to keep a casual expression on your face.

“So, are you two going to be, I dunno, “a thing” now?” Kate asks?

“I guess so, I mean, we hadn’t really talked about it,” you look at Meryl, who gives you a coy smile, “yeah, I guess we will be a thing,” you finish, more confidently, and feeling a rush of pleasure at the idea.

“That’s cool, you actually make a cute couple, and it’s good for one of us to have a healthy relationship with regular sex. Maybe it’ll force me to go out and actually get a real boyfriend instead of having to get Meryl drunk every time I hit a dry spell,” Kate smiles mischievously and gives you a wink.

The girls laugh for a solid thirty seconds, which is the time it takes for you to wipe the stupid look of your face. You look over at Meryl, whose face is bright red, and she seems to have taken her entire bottom lip in between her teeth.

“Thanks Kate, now he thinks I’m some kind of lesbo-slut..”

“You ARE some kind of lesbo-slut Meryl, you just don’t like to admit it. Anyway, Robert, it’s not like she’s out there dyking it up, she just happens to not mind occasionally when I feel like making out with her, isn’t that right?”

“Well, I don’t want to come in the middle of anything, I’m sure we can come to some sort of lending agreement for one of both of us if times get really tough, although I think I’ll have to negotiate a higher price for those kinds of arrangements up from a bottle of wine,” you say, regaining your composure.

“Oh yes, and what kind of price would you have in mind?” Kate inquires, her eyes narrowing.

“Two bottles of wine or equivalent in services rendered?” You reply jokingly.

“Oh great, he’s been my boyfriend for two minutes and he’s already pimping me out for booze and handjobs,” Meryl says with feigned exasperation.

“It’s not so bad Meryl, now that we’ve got that out in the open, we can have a little fun, right?” Kate asks, continuing, “what do you say, Robert, I give you something, you give me something?”

You look over at Meryl, who gives your cock a squeeze, smiles and shrugs, as if to say “up to you.”


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