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Hollow man | yoyo1342 | 18


“Let’s hike to the waterfall guys! It’s a beautiful walk up the stream, it’s shaded and cool, and there are nice rocks at the edge of it to sit and eat lunch on,” Meryl suggests.

None of the rest of you objected, so you put on your daypacks and headed off on a hike. At first you hiked ahead of the girls, but when it was clear that Meryl was lagging behind a little bit, you slowed down a bit to hike with her. The first stretch of trail was up a sizable incline. You hiked up behind Meryl and enjoyed a wonderful view the whole way up as her jogging shorts exposed most of her butt as she climbed.

After about a mile you reached the canyon where the stream you would be hiking along flowed. The whole canyon was narrower than you expected, maybe 30 yards across and the stream was flowing strong because of rain last week. With the water crashing heavily against the rocks, there was a steady constant mist of water in the air. The water on felt wonderfully cooling on your face, arms and legs and in short order your shirt was soaked through. You could tellt Meryl’s clothes wet too, her shorts were clinging awkwardly to her thighs and her pony tail was starting to drip water. You could see Kate and Julie stopped ahead having a sip of water, and when you caught up with them, it was evident that they had been getting a little damp as well. Julie’s bikini top was crystal clear through her wet shirt, meanwhile Julie had opted against a bikini top. Her halter top clings to her chest, and although the fabric is thick enough that it’s not see-through, neither does it leave much to the imagination.

“Well, this really turned out to be a great hike for an unseasonably hot day, didn’t it? As long as it doesn’t cool off later,” Julie says.

“I was pretty hot coming up that hill, but it really is nice hiking in the mist, huh?” Meryl replies.

“I hope this waterfall has a nice swimming hole we can take a dip in,” you add.

The four of you continue hiking up stream. You’re having a really nice time talking with Meryl. You learn a lot about her family and upbringing, and it tells you a lot about who she is. Her parents were very conservative people, not religiously, but simply in terms of the amount of discipline they expected of themselves and others. This included a rather puritanical attitude towards money, expression, and sex. However, when she got to college, she met a lot of people, Kate included, who seemed successful, intelligent, and productive, but that had a much different attitude towards life.

“Anyway, so she’s been slowly getting me to be more open and expressive. I do think she’s just a spaz sometimes, but she’s been a good influence on me.”

“You guys are like a romantic comedy stereotype. You’re the uptight repressed guy who is letting his life pass him by. Kate is your manic pixie girl savior, teaching you how to live. It’s too bad you’re not in to girls, or that would be one hot screenplay,” you say, trying to flirt a little.

Meryl doesn’t say anything in response, but a slight smirk rises on her mouth and she turns up the path and starts walking again.

Before long, you catch up with Kate and Julie again. Unfortunately, they seem to have encountered a bit of a problem.


What is the obstacle?

          Hang back and have some alone time with Meryl


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