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The New Housemate's Secret. | Bauer1 | 4


As the opening scene of The Hangover comes onto the screen you decide to open a line of enquiry of your own. You have both had a few beers, and she has asked you a few personal questions. Fair is fair afterall.

"What about you Rachel? Any guys on the horizon?"

Rachel considered for a second. "No, not really. They are put off by the fact that I live with such a hunk of a man" she replies with a wink.

Feeling yourself blushing profusely "yeah I can understand why they would feel threatened" you say with a smile, your tone light to convey to her that you're not being too egotistical. "Although I wouldn't mind a better player to play Halo with!" you add with a teasing grin.

"Hey hey hey!" Shouts Rachel, the film forgotten "you died as often as I did" she accusses.

"Only because you go wading into trouble and I have to come save you" you declare a little defensively

"Oh my Knight in shiny armour!' She teases you "what lengths will you go to save your fair maiden?"

Your thoughts turn dirty at the reference of the turn 'length 'and your cock twitches.

"There are many ways I would describe you, but 'fair maiden' certainly wouldn't be one of them!"

Rachel pretends to be distraught by clasping her theatrically at the side of her head and pretending to sob. When she sees you aren't 'buying the act' she stops it and pokes you sharply in the ribs.

"Hey" you reply "I rest my case!" You declare, making a conscious effort not to rub your ribs and denying her the satisfaction of seeing that she actually hurt you a bit. The pair of you settle into a comfortable silence as you watch the film.

After a while Rachel breaks the silence by wolf whistling at the screen when Bradley Cooper was on the screen.

"Damn that is one fine looking man!" She declared.

You throw her an amused glance "I thought Alan was your kinda man; afterall he has the body of a god. Shame it is Buddha's!"

"Oh yeah, It's all about the beard!" Rachel states with a wide smile. "If you had one of those I would jump you right now!"

You feel your cock twitching again. "Fine, I'll hold you to that. Just give me a few weeks to get that sorted!" You declare.

Rachel looked at you momentarily to see that you weren't serious before favoring you with another smile.

As the film progresses you realise that your 'interrogation' of Rachel so far has been an utter failure, even with her more relaxed than normal after consuming four beers.


What now? Try more questions?

          No, just watch the film

          Another one, that pulls you unexpectedly closer to each other


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