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"Abducted to Ambitious" | menoetes | 6


“It could be better?” she says echoing your own words as the two of you walk down the hall, back towards the room where the twins performed their miraculous art of creation.

She looks as though she is having some trouble walking and warm globs of your thick cum are leaking from between her silky thighs to leave a messy trail on the corridor floor behind her. You really must have filled her with bucketfuls of the stuff…

“I guess this body does feel a bit unsteady…” She says frowning down critically at herself “But it is not an unpleasant sensation, perhaps it is an after effect from our… what was your word for it?”

“Fucking.” You state blandly, and you knew well what she was feeling. It was the pleasant after-glow of an orgasm and for all she had boasted of her engineered body's strength and durability you had still managed to fuck her until she couldn’t walk straight.

You weren’t about to tell her any of this though, not if it meant giving up the chance at gaining an advantage over the leader of this strange alien space-craft and its crew.

“Your body is marred and fatigued from our recent fucking.” You tell her as you enter the dim room with the round glass chambers again. “Your pussy is all stretched out, your skin is flushed and your nipples look puffy and sore.”

“Those problems could be a natural result of our coupling, after-all this body was one of our earliest attempts to build a female form that would put you at ease.” She replies in reasoning tones, “However, if you believe we can do better with your assistance then we will try again. There is always some element of excitement in trying on a body designed by another.”

Her eyes seem to sparkle with the idea of it as you approach the Twins again, still exactly where you left them and working on the displays. For your part, you are just stunned by how carelessly this leader of her people is handing over responsibility for her own body to you, is this all part of having no ambition? Were ambition and guile linked in some way? Of course they were and you are beginning to see how right First had been when she told that they had lost something important when they lost their ambition.

You also decide that you will take full advantage of it…

The taller brunette glances back at the two of you and then sniffs the air frowning, no doubt smelling a waft of your enticing pheromone aroma but says nothing.

“I will require a new body, this one is apparently flawed.” States First smoothly.

The Twins simultaneously turn to glance back at her silently with cool expressionless faces before returning to their work, it was the first time they had done anything that made them even resemble twins in your mind.

“The human subject will assist you; apply his knowledge and suggestions to my new form. I am interested in seeing the result.”

Without turning from her work the shorter red-headed twin twitches a hand, bringing up a new projection beside the others they were working on. It is of a female body, Firsts body in fact, slowly revolving and marked with many strange symbols.

“I will leave you with the task; my presence is required to attend to other matters aboard my vessel.” She says in a business-like fashion then looks your tall naked body up and down with a frown, “It is strange but I am experiencing an unusual sense of reluctance to leave you.”

Then shaking her head as thought to clear it, she is walking back out the brightly lit doorway. You smile at her retreating back then look at the Twins, still quietly at work on their holographic consoles.

“I don’t know where to begin; I don’t understand how all this works.” You tell them speaking slowly and clearly, were they mute or something?

The tall statuesque sisters turns and taps the smooth flesh behind her ear, then she reaches out a long slender finger to tap the same place behind your left ear indicating the Nano-jack, of course. She nods towards the projected screen with Firsts naked image rotating slowly on it and taps behind her ear again. You frown up at the screen with some frustration, trying to decipher the alien symbols…

“I don’t know how… Oh!”

Your sharp toned retort is cut off short as information floods into your mind. It was like someone had opened a window in a dark room and filled it with light, and that light was knowledge and understanding of this projection and its main functions.

“Whoa…” you breathe as the jumble of alien hieroglyphs suddenly make perfect sense and you begin to comprehend human biology in a way you never could have before. So this was one of the benefits of being ‘fitted’ with a Nano-jack, you could certainly make use of this!

Your eyes work over the image of Firsts body and you begin to make changes as easily as a sculptor might have worked clay. You are stunned to see how sparse her nervous and hormonal systems are, maybe they aren’t a priority to a group of sexless aliens but they are to you.

You increase the size and productivity of her thyroid glands and begin to spin a complex system of nerves through her body focusing heavily on her erogenous zones. Her skin would be sensitive to your touch; her breasts, ass, nipples and pussy would be especially so!

You look into her brain, concentrating on her limbic system, the pleasure center of the brain. You double and then triple the number of neural connections within her hypothalamus and ventral tegmental areas, ensuring that any sexual pleasure she feels will magnified and amplified beyond any normal human range. Stepping back a little you smile, feeling satisfied that Firsts new body will not only respond agreeably to sexual stimulus but will actively crave it!

You glance over at the Twins, the tall brunette is looking over your changes with a critical eye but shows no sign of alarm at your choices and the red-head hasn’t even looked up from her own work. Well, First had given them instructions to ‘apply’ your changes to her new form…

You turn your mind to the shape and features of the body itself; the hair, face, skin, hips, ass and breasts. Another wide smile creases your fresh new face, maybe you could teach them all a little about ambition after-all. Your ambitions in particular…


What happens next?

          Tinkering Further

          Turn her into an impossibly horney, huge breasted barbie doll...


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