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Escape From Monster Island | techtactic | 3


When confronted with such a situation as this, there are really only the two choices, drilled deeply into the very nature of all living things. Fight, or flight. Your sister and Winny would, doubtless, have chosen to fight, and promptly whipped the monster two ways to Tuesday. You on the other hand are more inclined on the latter. Your eyes shoot about the treasure chamber, at last falling upon a single door, nearly hidden amongst the piles of gold. Without looking back, you pound across the stones of the hall and out.

You run for what seems like hours in the dry air of the pyramid. Sweat soon beads your body, sticking your clothes to your curves obscenely, and your breathing becomes heavy from exertion. The chill sotne halls seem endless and aimlees until, at last, you find the way out. Spinning around a corner, golden sunlight spills invitingly out a door. Practically sobbing in relief, you run outside and into the light of day.

You halt, finding yourself near the top of the pyramid. An ocean of sand stretches out before you forebodingly, here and there the odd oasis and stone monuments are visible. Shading your eyes with your hand, you can just spot in the distance the dull greenery and rigid spires of a forest. Turning your head gifts you the image of the warped and thick foliage of a distant jungle in the opposite direction. You wonder which one Winny would have crashed in…

Concern suddenly floods your body. What if she’s hurt? You take great pride in your reputation as the unbreakable girl, but if anything, that ability only makes you more sensitive to the injuries of others. The thought of Winny all alone out there, injured, at the mercy of whatever creatures lurk on this island fills you with sudden resolve.

A trek across the desert is hardly agreeable, particularly without water. You’d have to take stops at the various oasis if you intend on making it all the way across. You might have managed with your canteen, but seeing as that was destroyed you have no choice. Steeling yourself, you prepare to set off.


Head towards the forest? or the jungle?

          The forest looks promising


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