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You watch your girlfriend submit! | yoyo1342 | 8


You see on the cameras that the guards have just brought your asshole friend and your girlfriend in to security. You figure that in this observation room you’re safe from being found out, so you stay where you are. Two monitors on the wall that had previously been dark were suddenly alive, as the light in rooms are turned on, and Bill is placed in one room while Morgan is placed in another. You see Bill talking to one of the guards, but can’t hear him.

So you turn on the bug back on and hear Morgan’s voice.

“Look, look, we just… we’ll pay for everything, we were just doing it for… we just thought it would be… it wasn’t even my idea! Just take it back and let us go!” Morgan shrieks, anxiety rich in her voice.

“Ma’am, please just remain calm. We are going to determine the value of the objects that you have stolen, and mall policy will determine what happens at that point. I will be back momentarily,” you hear Hector say to Morgan.

Hector left her room and came around to the monitoring room you were in and poked his head in.

“Hey, uhh… sir. You can watch from here if you want, but the room she… both of their rooms have two way observation glass for questioning. You could observe from there,” says Hector, motioning you to follow.

You follow him out, and duck in to a door that’s just past the room Morgan was placed in. When you get in, you’re looking directly at your girlfriend’s back. This is about as close as you can get as a voyeur. You try to remain cool, but your blood was now pumping through your veins. Moments later, Hector stepped in to Morgan’s holding room. He had a large basket in his hands.

“Reviewing the security footage and speaking to your accomplice, we have determined that the value of the items stolen is small enough that we are not required to press charges. Please place all of the stolen items in the basket,” Hector says, doing an excellent job of sounding dull and bureaucratic.

“Look, I can’t just do that… I don’t have anything right now that isn’t stolen. Bill has the clothes I came in wearing, and I am not just going to take off my clothes and hope that you bring me something,” Morgan sounds alarmingly similar to the way she does when Bill is being an asshole and coercing her in to doing something she wouldn’t ordinarily do.

“Ma’am, no offense, but this wasn’t our idea. You did this, and I’m just doin’ my job. Once we figure out for sure which clothes are stolen, and which are not, we will bring you your belongings,” Hector then left her with the basket, closed the door and shot around the corner to the room you were in.

“Daaamn… this is the dream maaan… this is why you become a mall security guard… or a private investigator, am I right?!” Hector’s professional demeanor had completely evaporated.

You wanted to strangle him for ogling your precious Morgan, but there was nothing you could do at this point. After standing stock still for a minute, Morgan finally relented and started to slide out of the short blazer that she was wearing. She place it on the table in front of her and turned around to face the mirror so that she appeared to be looking directly between you and Hector. Her expression was neutral for the moment as she tugged on the bottom of the blouse she was wearing and exhaled deeply through pursed lips.

She unbuttoned the first button on her shirt, which fell open a little. Then she unbuttoned the next, and you could see the sheer black fabric of the lingerie she was wearing underneath. Another button revealed a the dark purple trim of the cup of the teddy. When she finished unbuttoning her shirt and let it hang open a little you could see that most of the fabric was quite sheer. You could see her belly-button , and at the fringe of the exposed section you could see the curve of the fabric rise up over the skirt, exposing a bit of bare skin.

You curse the fact that Hector was there standing next to you. You felt the blood flow to your cock, desperately wanted to at least be able to touch yourself as your girlfriend reluctantly undressed just inches away through the glass. After appraising her appearance in the mirror for a moment, she pulled open the shirt just below the collar and pulled it down over her shoulders. This exposed the entire top of her stolen lingerie. The cups of the bra were as sheer as the rest, and you could see her nipples clearly through them. The strap was a string, and each cup didn’t quite cover her pert breasts, exposing little sections of the outside of each mound. Morgan took her shirt off completely now and turned around to place it with the jacket. The back of the teddy was just comprised of crisscrossing bands of satin and nothing more until it reached the waist band of her skirt, where it started to come back together.

With a pause in the action, Hector coughed and glanced over at you.

“I uhh… I think I should continue to observe from the monitors in the observation room. I want to make sure that this is being properly recorded in case she decides to accuse us of not follow protocols,” Hector said, not quite making eye contact with your now wide-eyed glare.

“Are you saying you will have a recording of this entire thing?” You ask, incredulously.

“Ahh yeah, we record everything, it’s to cover our asses in case someone tries to sue us,” Hector pauses for a moment, “if you want, I could give you a copy if you think it would further your investigation,” Hector says with a wink.

“That would be really helpful, thanks, you never know what information will prove your case, right?”

Hector left the room quietly and you returned your attention to Morgan. While you had been talking with Hector, Morgan, still facing away from the mirror, had unbuckled the belt she was wearing over her skirt and was unfastening the skirt itself. She turned back around and started talking to herself in the mirror. You frantically reached for the on switch to your bug and started listening in.

“Morgan, Morgan, Morgan, what the hell have you gotten yourself in to. When I get out of here I am never letting that asshole talk me in to anything again. I guess I’m lucky that that security guard is such an officious little shit instead of some neckless fethishist,” Morgan says, causing you to cringe audibly, hoping that Hector isn’t listening.

Morgan unzipped the side of the skirt and let it fall, revealing the rest of her body suit. It was sheer all the way down, and you could see right through to the patch of pubic hair covering that slit that you longed to bury yourself in right now. Morgan’s sexiness was not at all lost on her either, as she took a moment to check herself out in the mirror. She glanced back at the door furtively before allowing herself to run her hands along the edges of the fabric and then down along her stomach. She ran her finger lightly underneath the seam that ran above her pelvis, and then turn around slightly , arching her back so that she could see her butt in the mirror. The back ended in a very high thong, which left her ass entirely naked.

Morgan exhaled audibly again and then pulled off the straps of the teddy and pulled it down off of her torso, then summarily slid the whole thing down off of her legs. Once she was naked, she put everything in the basket Hector had left and sat down in the chair, crossed her arms, crossed her legs and waited. Since Hector had been watching through the camera the whole time he appeared almost automatically. Except now he was trailed by Bill, following directly behind him. You were immediately confused, because you figured Bill was in his own room waiting, or whatever, and Hector was watching from the observation room. Had Bill somehow convinced the guards to let him watch through the monitor as well? Had they told him about the private investigator? If Bill knew someone was watching, it was only a matter of time before you got caught, and then what? You shuttered to think.

“I leave you two alone for a moment while I sort through these things. I will be back in a few minutes,” Hector then left Bill and Morgan alone in the room together.

“Bill you sonofabitch! Look at what you’ve gotten me in to! I’m never fucking listening to you again!” Morgan stood from where she was sitting and stepped quickly over to Bill, hitting him pretty hard in the chest with an open hand.

Bill just grabbed her wrist and spun her around so that they were both looking in the mirror.

“Morgan, relax. Look at yourself. Look at how sexy you are right now. Isn’t this kind of exciting? Isn’t your blood flowing?” Bill ran his hand up your girlfriend’s side, then cupped her breast in his hand before she pushed him away.

“Fuck you, this isn’t ok… what if something had happened?” She stepped away from him, covering herself again.

“Look, I’m sorry, ok? I really am. I thought it would be fun to do something a little crazy. I just let us get a little carried away. Anyway, everything is fine, they’re going to let us go in a minute and we’ll have a crazy story we can tell Hilary and Melonie,” Bill said, stepping closer to her and putting his hands on her arms reassuringly.

“We are definitely not telling anyone about this,” Morgan said, looking back over her shoulder at Bill, and after a pause continuing, “I did feel pretty damn sexy standing in this bare room in that ridiculous bodysuit we stole. For a minute there I had some interesting thoughts about what I might have to do to get out of here,” Morgan finished, her body language opening up and becoming more confident.

Bill ran a finger down her spine, sending a shiver through Morgan’s body. For a second it looked like they might continue, but at that moment Hector returns with the clothes Morgan wore to the mall, breaking the moment. Morgan quickly gets dressed and the two of them exit.

You wait a few minutes for the coast to be clear. Waiting there, sitting in the dark room with a shrinking erection and raging libido, you found yourself realizing that you were really losing it. You eventually headed home, but not before collecting the tape of the whole thing from Hector.


What now?

          The next couple of days...


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