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You watch your girlfriend submit! | yoyo1342 | 7


You can't see them as you drive, but you know where they are going. The biggest mall in the area most likely. Morgan quickly chides Bill, "Don't call me babe!" She seemed rather angry. "I'm doing this because you begged like a little girl! If you're an ass I'll kick you to the curb!"

Bill responded a second later. "You look great!" His words pissed you the fuck off. You wanted Morgan to hit him.

Instead, she just laughed, "That's better!" Their conversation is rather bland at this point, discussing what music to put on. Morgan insists on top-forty but Bill keeps turning it to rock. "It's my car!" She tells him.

Bill apparently wins out and the song "Something in Your Mouth" by Nickelback comes on. You hear him laugh, "This song is about you and bananas!"

Morgan laughed with him. Did they actually share this as an inside fucking joke?

You hear them finally arrive. The car doors close. Though you aren't sure which side they are on. How will you find them? You can hear them chat as they walk and open the door to the mall. Suddenly music is playing. You hear a million noises and the background noise blanks out their talking. SHIT!

You arrive outside a department store, and look around for her car. It's no where to be seen. You rush frantically inside, desperate to find them. It's of no use. The mall has two floors so you take the top floor. The chance to be seen both excites and frightens you. You search and scan the floor. You still hear only background noise. Nothing! After another twenty minutes you finally spot Morgan coming out of Macy's with a bag. She's already bought something. Bill is behind her. He is wearing a grey t-shirt, and black jeans with sneakers. He looks like an idiot compared to the beauty Morgan, who looks light years out of his league. Her shoes make her several inches taller than Bill.

You spy from above as Morgan stops at a kiosk on the floor. It is an iPad kiosk. You watch as she bends down to inspect the newest version. Bill's eyes are clearly looking down to her ass. What a jerk! You hear one or two words here and there. Bill grabs her arm from behind to try and get her away from the kiosk. You hear her say "Oh Stop!" Then more background noise drowning them out. They walk and talk all the way to the escalator. You back away, realizing you could be seen. You walk across the Mall and watch as they go to the food court. Morgan goes to the counter of the Pretzel Hut. She is ordering something. She is handed a pretzel, and Bill pays for it.

You watch as Morgan stands against the railing and picks at the pretzel as they talk. You still can't hear them. At one point he leans into her, but she backs away. They continue to talk some more and Morgan pulls a piece off and actually feeds Bill. Was this a date? It looked like one? You didn't know what to do?

The pair walks back to the escalator but goes down this time. Morgan points to a candy store on the bottom floor. Bill shakes his head, but Morgan grabs him with her free arm, as she still has a bag of stuff, and pulls him into the shop. Inside the shop, it's more clear what they are saying. "I just wanna get something!" She pleads. You can't see inside the shop! But you can hear.

"THAT!" Bill says. "You should have told me right off the bat! I would have come here first!" You hear Morgan laugh.

They must be at the register as Morgan says, "Just this!"

The man answers, "That'll be two dollars!"

Bill interjects, "I got this. Today's all on me!"

Morgan sighs, "What a gentlemen," she says sarcastically. A minute late you hear her say. "How do I look. BETTER now?" She stresses the word "better".

When they reappear outside the shop, Morgan has a lollipop in her mouth. She has it in the side of her mouth, the stick coming straight out, causing her cheek to bugle. Was that another inside joke they now shared?

She seems to have an almost skip in her step you hadn't noticed before. They walk towards the end of the mall you are on. Almost directly below you, Morgan stops at another kiosk. Bill puts his hands up in the air as if to say "What the hell!" And Morgan laughs. She playfully slaps him.

You walk around to see them from the other side of the mall. They walk into JCPenney. You realize you can actually hear them again, there must be less people in the store. Morgan sounds annoyed, "I told you, I came here for a suit for my meeting next Friday! It's big for me! I have to present a new program to the owner!"

You hear Bill laugh. "You'll look good in trash bags babe!"

You half expect she will again tell him to stop calling her that, but she just laughs and thanks him sarcastically again. "The perfect gentlemen as always!"

Before you hear another word, you feel a tap on the shoulder. You turn to see a security gaurd, a fat young guy staring at you. He looks rather angry, "What are you doing here! You been watching that girl and her boyfriend for like an hour!"

You almost want to sock him for saying it, "He's not her boyfriend...I..." you stop yourself before you expose your game. "Wait, how do you know?"

The fat young guard points to the ceiling, there are cameras everywhere. "We've been watching you."

You think quickly, you have to come up with a story. You're bullshit ability finally comes into play. "I'm a private investigator, I'm being paid to tail her!"

The guard actually nods seeming to believe you, "What," he asks, "is she someones wife sleeping around."

You have to take a deep breathe not to hit him for saying it. It wasn't far from the truth was it? You tell him that it's classified. To your amazement he actually tells you to follow him. "I think I can help!" He says. You follow him through a secure door. You walk down a hallway and into a room marked "security". The guard cautions you, "I don't normally do this, but this shit sounds exciting!" He opens the door and inside is a small Hispanic man. "Hector this is....what's you're name?"

You give the guard a fake name, and explain your story. They must be starved for some excitement as they seem eager to help. You look around to see dozens of camera feeds. Each store has its own special screen, split up into smaller sections for each camera. You point to the one marked JCPenney. “She’s in there!”

You watch as Hector tries to find them by switching feeds left and right. He seems terrible at this. You step next to him. “Can I try?” He merely shrugs and stands up from the chair. You switch to “changing room” area. Within a moment, Morgan walks in carrying a bundle of clothes, the lollipop gone, and Bill comes in behind her. She tells him to sit down, and that he’s isn’t coming with her. You’re receiver can pick up the conversation in this area again. Hector and the other guard ask “what is that” in your ear. You explain that it is a receiver that can be picked up on FM radio. You show them by turning on their small radio and tuning into the frequency. They seem stunned when the voices of the pair are audible above the din.

“Wow,” the fat guard laughs, “real spy shit hear!” They seemed overly amused, and this makes you feel great. This was the first time you were displaying your new abilities, and it made you proud. Despite the fact that these people had no idea of your real intentions. You return your focus on Morgan. She is no longer visible as the feed doesn’t see into the changing rooms.

“Are there cameras in the changing rooms?” You ask thinking about the urban legend. You begin to look for yourself.

The fat guard finally looks at you weird. “No, dude,” he steps back, “that’s illegal. We would get fired!”

“Yeah, you’re right,” you tell him. But inside your head you are pissed. Though you’re not sure why you care.

The guard known as Hector smiles, “I wish, that chick is hot as shit! I don’t know who the loser is that is allowing this shit to happen, but he’s an idiot! I’d kill that punk,” he points to Bill.

Again, it takes all your strength not to hit him. Your conversation is broke when Morgan comes out in a blue blazer with a matching pants suit. She lifts her arms and looks down at herself. “How does this one look?” You fume inside. So she’s his personal model now?

Bill shakes his head, “You look like a lesbian, try on the one I picked out!”
Morgan sighs, looking in the mirror. “I don’t know. I want to look professional. I don’t think a skirt says that!”

Your asshole friend laughed, “Just show off those sexy legs of yours and they’ll give you anything you want!”

Morgan picked up another pair of clothes and walked back in the dressing room. After a minute, she came out. She was wearing a grey business suit with a grey pleated skirt that went above her knees. “I don’t know!” She had no shoes on at this point.

You watch as Bill leers at her legs, “Trust me it’s perfect!”

Morgan twirls in front of the mirror. She seemed to be making sure it didn’t ride up obscenely. Apparently content, she nodded and walked back into the changing station. Bill looked left and right, then got up and slowly walked to the door of the changing room. He pushed it open, and everyone in the security room got a view of Morgan topless in only a bra.

“JACKPOT!” Hector laughed with his accent. You wanted to kill him now. Yet, you were too focused on the scene at hand. Morgan pushed Bill out and closed the door. “ASSHOLE!” She closed the door. Several seconds later she reemerged in her own outfit. They walked out of the changing room area. You quickly switched the feed to the outside camera. The noise grew loud, and you turned down the volume on the radio. You explained it was too much feedback. You knew she wasn’t going to buy the skirt suit. You were sure of it. When she got to the counter, she handed the lady the other suit with the pants and shook her head. Bill paid for the skirt suit with a smile. HOLY SHIT! She said she’d never wear something like that, at least not at work, maybe for your own fantasies.

They walked out of the department store and back into the mall. You switched the feed to the main mall cameras from high above. It was hard to see their faces, unless you zoomed. Which was now easy for you, and you turned the camera to follow them. Bill stopped at Victoria’s Secret and motioned for Morgan to enter. She laughed and shook her head. Then Bill pointed to a store across the way. It was “Fredrick’s of Hollywood”. She stood still for a moment. She wouldn’t really go into that trashy place would she? Again, she shocked you and walked behind Bill as he almost pulled her to the store.

“Nice,” Hector said, “Switch to the camera…switch to the camera!” He urged. You obliged and got a view of them entering the store. Bill fondled some of the more racy lingerie. Morgan just shook her head. You could make out the conversation again and turned up the FM radio.

A saleslady came up and asked if they needed help. Morgan shook her head no. But Bill insisted that they be shown where the club wear was. Soon, the saleswoman had taken them further back, making you switch the feed again. The woman kept pulling out dresses to which Morgan refused. Then the lady pulled out a yellow top, and silver acrylic skirt, with matching silver high heels of the same material. “This would look great on you!” The woman said. Morgan clearly didn’t feel the dress. Bill egged her on. Moments later, she was coming out of another changing room. She came out in the outfit and all jaws, including Bill’s dropped. She fit the skirt perfectly. And the top had a deep “V” in the front that allowed you to see the sides of her cleavage. Morgan stood nervously.

“That’s pretty hot, but I want to get you into some lingerie. Maybe I’ll even buy you a pair as a present,” then Bill added in a low enough voice that the shop girl couldn’t here, but the mic just barely picked up “a present for that lucky “boyfriend” of yours.”

“Look, I’ll try something on, but I’m definitely not taking any of this stuff home. Let me go change out of this… thing, and you can bring me some stuff to try on, ok?”

Morgan walks back to the changing rooms, and you’re left watching Bill pick out several of the most revealing sets of lingerie he can find in a store filled with some seriously trashy stuff. Bill walks back towards the changing rooms, outside of the view of the cameras.

“Seriously? We don’t have any cameras that can see in the hallways with the changing rooms? That’s bad, we should probably fix that...” said Hector, for a moment earnestly thinking of his responsibilities as a security guard.

“Shut up!” you say, wanting to hear what the two of them are saying in the changing rooms.

“Woah! That’s the one, that’s hot, babe! Let me just…” Bill’s voice cuts off and it sounds like he’s exerting himself a little.

“Hands off, asshole!”

“I was going to say, let me just take care of that tag. Great, now put on your clothes, and you are going to walk right out of here wearing that teddy,” Bill’s voice says clearly

“Oh you HAVE to be fucking kidding me, there’s no way, no WAY, I am letting you turn me in to a shoplifter,” your girlfriend protests, but after days of observation, you recognize that tone of voice.

“Oh come on, Morgan. Don’t wimp out on me. I would just buy it for you, but that would be so… boring. You’re not boring, are you Morgan? Just think about the feeling of sneaking around, flaunting the law, all while wearing that smoking hot lingerie,” you can’t believe what Bill is doing, and with the silence that follows, you can’t believe she’s going along.

After a few minutes the two of them emerge from the changing rooms and Morgan is wearing her skirt and blue shirt. They hand a bunch of stuff to the shop girl, who doesn’t show a hint of suspicion, and walk right out of the store without being stopped.

“Hey umm… Hector, I think we have to do something, they just stole some shit there…”

You have to think quickly on your feet here. On the one hand, you want to try to cover for Bill and Morgan if you can, but you can’t see how. You settle for trying to at least by them a little time to decide to go back and return the lingerie they just stole.

“Umm… gentlemen, if you don’t mind, as a professional courtesy, do you think we could hold off on detaining them until it is absolutely necessary? I would like, if possible, to be able to further my investigation here, and that won’t be possible if they are stopped now. Of course, as soon as they try to leave, you will go ahead and pick them up,” you suggest, maintaining a cool professional demeanor.

Hector and the other guard exchange glances and a few words before agreeing to what you’ve asked. It occurs to you that they are voyeurs every bit as much as you, and are just as curious to see what happens.

And so you all go back to the monitors and observe as Bill and Morgan visit Abercombie, American Eagle, Urban Outfitters, and at least three or four others. At each store, Morgan emerges from the dressing room wearing something slightly different, until none of Morgan’s original outfit remains, and you’re not sure where it has gone. In the end Morgan is wearing a nice wool skirt, a striped button down blouse, unbuttoned to reveal some cleavage, and a cute short black blazer with rolled up sleaves. Fittingly, it’s a little bit of a hodge-podge of an outfit, but she looks hot in it.

“Are you sure they’re having an affair? They almost seem like partners in crime…” Hector says, almost to himself.

You resist the urge to say something self-pitying, and are distracted anyway when the moment of truth arrives.

“Ok Morgan, you’ve been a good girl, you did not disappoint me, now let’s get out of here and you can show off your acquisitions at home,” Bill says, and through the camera outside of Forever 21, you can see him run his hand up the back of her thigh before she swats it away.

“Alright, I’m sorry mister, but we’ve got to get down there and pick them up now, or we’ll lose our jobs,” Hector says with a tone of empathy barely masking his excitement.

The two guards spring off, and you quickly return to the cameras to watch them run through the mall to catch up to Bill and Morgan. You turn off your bug because you don’t want to hear the piteous mewling of your thieving girlfriend. Before you know it though, the guards have stopped the two of them, and Morgan looks to be freaking out while Bill is trying to play it cool. The two of them are marched back through the mall to where the security office is. They’re going to be here! You have to watch out!


Bill and Morgan are brought to mall security...

          You continue to watch on the security monitors...


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