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Hollow man | yoyo1342 | 15


“Hey, I really don’t want anyone to take this the wrong, way, but it would be silly not to at least offer. I actually have a big couch and a spare blanket that you could use if you want to Julie. Meryl, I don’t want to…” you are about to keep muttering qualifiers, but Meryl gently cuts you off.

“No, that’s a nice offer, I think that makes sense. Julie you should take him up on it. He won’t try anything, or he’d be forfeiting other outstanding opportunities,” Meryl says with a deliberate wink.

You remember your agreement, and you take her comment as confirmation that you’ve held up your end of the bargain. You definitely want to collect on your payment, so she’s right, you can’t try anything.

Kate and Meryl get off at their floor. You and Julie stay on the elevator and she smiles awkwardly. It occurs to you that she’s probably a little embarrassed at what transpired tonight.

“So, that was a fun evening, huh? Do you guys get up to all kinds of craziness at college?” you ask, trying to break the ice.

“Uhh… ha, yeah, we do, but not quite like tonight. Tonight’s the first time I’ve hung out with my sister since I’ve been old enough to go out with her. She definitely is in a whole other class from my college friends as far as getting up to crazy stuff. I’ve gone skinny dipping before, but I’ve definitely never just sat around naked with two dudes before. It was… exhilarating…” She said, obviously still feeling a little sheepish.

The two of you walk in to your apartment and you clear a bunch of stuff off the couch to make room for Julie to sleep. Julie stands for a moment to look out the window.

“Wow, you have an incredible view of the city, it’s really gorgeous up here!”

“Thanks, I do like it a lot. I wish I got to see it more; most of the time I work way too much to appreciate it. Anyway, I don’t know about you, but I definitely want to take a shower before I sleep. You’re welcome to go first though, I’ll wait,” you offer.

“Yeah, that’s a good idea, my clothes are pretty wet though, do you have anything I could change in to when I get out?” Julie asks, pulling her decidedly damp shirt away from her body.

“Yeah, hold on a second, I’ll find you a t-shirt and some pajama pants, there’s a clean towel on the back of the door.”

“Thanks so much, I’m going to go ahead and get in,” Julie says.

Julie closes the door to the bathroom behind her and you gather up some clothes for her and for yourself. While you’re waiting you sit and think about the evening. It turned out really well, you think. You like Meryl a lot, she’s clearly really smart, gorgeous, and even appreciates a crazy night out. You shake your head to yourself thinking about the interesting way that your relationship is developing, with your little bargains, and contemplate where that kind of thing might take you in the future.

At the same time, the sound of the shower tears your mind back to Julie. She is as cute as her sister, and thinking of the conversation you just had in the elevator, you have to admit that you find her youthfulness appealing. Just as you're thinking about her, Julie steps out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her.

“If you don’t mind, I’ll just slip in to your room to put that stuff on. Thanks!” Julie says, taking the clothes that you grabbed for her.

“Sure thing, I’m going to hop in the shower myself, I’ll be out in a minute.”

You take a quick uneventful shower, trying not to think about the girl changing in your bedroom, and failing. You develop a pretty rock hard erection despite yourself, and it persists as you towel off and get in to a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. You step in to the living room and Julie is already lying on the couch with a light blanket over her. You say a brief good night, and are about to enter your room, when Julie stops you.

“Just so you know, out of respect for Meryl, and because you’ve been so sweet, I am definitely resisting the urge to come on to you right now. I just thought I’d tell you that,” Julie says with an embarrassed smile.

“Ahhh, well, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t tempted, so I guess I appreciate your restraint. Ok, well, I’ll see you in the morning then… sleep well…” you cut yourself off, fighting the desire to keep talking.


Do you manage to shut the door behind you?

          You manage to shut your bedroom door...

          You can't quite manage to shut your mouth...


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