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What lies beyond? | deathofcards | 2


“How long you gonna stand there staring? The bum asked you.

He drew closer to you his was wild and unkempt and he had on a dirty shirt and trousers. The main thing you noticed where his eyes, which were pure white.

“Am I...”

“Dead? Yeah you were traveling at eight five and that tree pretty much took your head clean off. I'd say you're pretty fucking dead at this point son.” He explained

“So what happens now?” You ask.

“Well, first you've got take my hand and then we can go.” He told you.

He stuck out his hand and you grabbed it firmly. It felt strangely warm. Everything went suddenly white. You looked around in disbelief at the flat featureless expanse around you.

“Where are we is this heaven?” You asked.

“Nah, it ain't like that. All those myths back on Earth. Heaven and Hell, Hades, Limbo, Nirvana. They are all kind of the same thing it just depends on your perspective.” He answered.

“Who are you?” You ask.

“Used to be they called me Lazarus but that was a long, long time ago. A friend helped me out once so I kind of stuck around to help people out and show them the way.” He replied.

As you are talking the white expanse fades out and is slowly filled in with a large green meadow. It appears to stretch out to the limits of the horizon. Nearby was an old oak tree. You noticed sat in the shadow of the tree a black man with a mass of fuzzy hair in a loose shirt and jeans was holding a guitar. Near to him was grand piano another black wearing wearing a fancy black suit was playing it.

“And I thought I was going to miss the show..” Lazarus commented.

He lead you over to the two black men who were starting to seem very familiar. The two were jamming frantically, perfectly in time with each other as they had been playing together for a lifetime. As the two of you approached they stopped playing.

“Hey, Laz. Who's the new cat?” The guitarist asked.

“This is . And this is here is James and Ray over there on the piano.” Lazarus replied.

“Why you got to be so formal Laz? You can call me Jimi. Welcome to the place ain't really got any kind of proper name.” Jimi put his hand for you to shake.

You suddenly became aware of just whose hand it was you were shaking.

“I've got a question.” You stated.

“I'm guessing you have around a million but hit me.” Lazarus replied.

“Is there a God?” You ask.

“Now, that there is a very complicated answer.” He replies.


What is the answer?


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