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Den of the Cave Toads | techtactic | 13


The knight moved slowly down the cave's tunnel, her blade in hand and naked to the darkness. Though her armour hid her shapely form, fiery red hair peeked out from beneath her open faced helm, revealing her attractive features to whatever lurked in the shadows of the cave. Behind her walked several others, men and women hired by the desperate villagers to retrieve their wives and daughters. They were not the first party to venture to these caves, but the young commander intended them to be the last.

She abruptly held up her hand, forestalling her small party. Ahead, lying on her side in the middle of the tunnel's floor, was a young woman. She was completely nude, red marks of cave toad claws and spattered mud and cum almost covered her shapely body completely. Her golden hair drifted about her closed eyes, pouty red lips parted in unconciousness.

"By the gods," the young commander murmured, hurrying forward. She knelt by the unconcious young woman, gnelty lifting her head. "She must have escaped from the pens. Quick! Some water" She ordered, turning to one of her companions. A cloth garbed mage quickly passed her a canteen, the young knight gently pouring the water past the girls cum stained lips.

The golden haired beauty groaned, her eyes fluttering open to stare into the face of her saviour. "Wha..."

"It's okay miss. We're here. It will be over soon," the commander assured her with a smile. The naked woman smiled slightly, her eyes focusing on the face above her.

"My hero," she said with a saucy smile. The commander didn't even have time to react before the girl pulled her face close, entrapping her lips with her own. Taken off guard, the knight gasped, a tongue taking the opportunity to plunge into her mouth and plunder it, eliciting a shocked groan at the skill of that tongue.

Such was her surprise, that the commander did not even register the toads raining down on her party from hiden acloves above until one landed on her, pinning her to the ground by her arms. The young knight was helpless, and could only watched as her party fell to the surprise attack, the bloated forms of cave toads descending on her companions, disabling the woman and quickly ending the few men who had come.

Cecilia, for it was indeed she, rose from where she had been on the ground. She smiled as she watched the party be taken apart by the toads surprise attack, her pussy moistening and her breathing growing shallow as she watched the toads finish the men, and already begin to strip the women. Venom tipped claws were plunged into their shapely prey as the toads tore the clothes off the adventureres for the cming breeding.

A presence suddenly became known behind Cecilia. Clawed hands grasped her thighs, turning her around to face the warty face and pale belly of an elder cave toad. Its cock throbbed as it pushed it inside her, rewarding its thrall for her work with a harsh thrust into the warm folds of her pussy.

Cecilia gasped as she was entered. Eagerly, she threw her arms about the neck of the massive toad to give her more support for the vicious pounding she was to receive, moaning as the toad began to push in and out of her pussy. "Ohhhhh master! Master! Thank you! Thank you for rewarding your slut!" Cecilia groaned. Words such as these and the cock of eager cave toads were all that passed Cecilia's lips these days. She looked behind her, where her would be saviors were already beginning to be fucked in a massive orgy, screams of fear being replaced by pleasure as the massive cocks of the toads found mouth, pussy and ass, while venemous barbs their victims with the aphrodisiac.

Before her capture, Cecilia would have looked upon such a scene with horror and righteous anger. Now, it only served to arouse her more as a second toad came up behind her, entering her well stretched ass with its long and warty cock. Cecilia threw her head back and screamed her pleasure to the world, rejoicing as the two toads bounced her between them.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Yes! More! More cock! Your slave begs you masters! I beg of-Ah!" she suddenly cried out as the toad behind her found the soft globes of her breasts, grasping them and fondling them happily while it continued to pound her eager asshole.

The elder toad croaked joyously as it penetrated the former paladin holding onto its neck. It had been a good day. An adventureres party had been defeated without the loss of a single toad, several new slaves would be added to the breeding pen, and best of all, they had used a former knight of the realm to do it! The thought had the elder toad increase his attack upon Cecilia's well worn pussy, listening to her raptured screams of debauchery as he took her. The scarred toad gave a long, drawn out croak, seeding his slave, listening to her scream as she climaxed as well.

Soon enogh, Cecilia would find herself with child, a state she would find herself in often as she was used to bring forth more and more of her masters into the world. And, as the once devout and pure paladin lay on the ground in her pen, stroking her distended belly and coated in cave toad cum, she would smile and thank the gods she was well and truly fucked.


Bad End


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