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When The Cat's Away | AaronWebster | 3


"96," Hank murmured under his breath, "97... 98... 99... 100."

The middle aged man breathed heavily in eager anticipation. He and Veevee were lifetime members of the mile-high club, but even now it felt as exciting as the first time. Hank willed himself to be calm, to take time, to let Veevee get ready for him. Anticipation (and the fear of getting caught) was after all a part of the fun.

Hank took a slow stroll up to the front of the cabin (the bathroom lay in the opposite direction). He ran his gaze over the sleeping and snoring passengers. He looked carefully at the seat beneath the one illuminated reading lamp and smiled. A young woman lay slumped in the seat, her short skirt hitched up about her thighs, fast asleep with an abandoned trashy novel still half held in her hand. Hank felt his cock harden at the sight of the young woman, unconscious and on display like that.

Reluctantly tearing his eyes away, Hank made his way to the front of the cabin. The slim blonde Flight Attendant slept peacefully. Obviously well used to power-napping, she alone looked as coolly attractive in sleep as she did awake. She breathed easily, and no aspect of her attire was out of place, from the starched blouse and jacket, in the airline colours, that both concealed and accentuated her trim figure, to the neatly pressed pencil skirt that finished just above her knees.

The pretty young woman smiled in her sleep and Hank wondered what fantasies played out in her mind. Beneath her cool exterior, how wild did she get, spending her evenings in cities not her own. He had flirted outrageously with her earlier in the flight, much to Veevee's amusement, but she had treated him with nothing more than polite indulgence. Veevee had told her not to take any notice of this sad male-menopausal old man. Then Veevee herself had begun flirting with the trim blonde flight attendant, but she had gotten no further than he.

Talking of Veevee, thought Hank to himself, it wouldn't do to let her go off the boil. So he headed back down the plane, as slowly and as casually as he could, heading for the first class bathroom.

As he drew closer, he noticed a shape in the gloom. Somebody was standing outside of the cubicle door, which was open just a crack and was peering inside. Staying back, Hank looked closer. The figure was a young man barely out of his teens with a wispy goatee beard, very scruffily dressed, and certainly not a denizen of the first class compartment. He did have a mighty erection thrusting out of his ill-fitting jeans and he was pulling on it with furious strokes as he peered through the cubicle door.

Finally Hank felt he had to make his presence known. He stepped forward and cleared his throat.

"Nice piece of equipment you've got there," he commented.

"Aw, shit!" cried the young man under his breath, "you scared the crap out of me, man. What the hell are you doing creeping round like that?"

"Well, actually," Hank replied stiffly, "I have an assignation with my wife in that bathroom."

"Shit, man. That's your wife?" gasped the young man incredulously.

Hank nodded and smiled with a certain amount of pride.

"No need to ask what you were doing," commented Hank wryly.

"We wanted to join the mile-high club," commented the young man.

Hank thought it somewhat odd that the young man should refer to himself and his penis as 'we', but let it pass.

"You can join us if you like," Hank offered charitably.

"Well, okay," replied the young man cautiously, "but I don't do any of that gay stuff, alright?"

"Well, I think you're missing out on a range of pleasure there, but I'm sure my wife will be happy to accommodate you."


"You know," commented Hank, "I don't wish to criticise or sound too middle-aged, but it is traditional, if you want to be a mile-higher, to find yourself a woman first."

"I've got a woman."

"Where is she then?"

"In there with your wife."

"What?" Hank leapt forward and pushed his nose to the crack in the door. There inside sure enough was his beloved Veevee, stripped to the waist and locked in a lesbian embrace with a younger woman. The young woman had thick brunette hair, glasses and the girl-next-door look that Hank knew Veevee went for. The brunette was slightly slimmer than Veevee, also topless and her large breasts were squished against Veevee's. The girls were locked at the lips, but in addition Veevee's hand was pushed down inside the younger woman's skimpy denim shorts as Veevee pushed her against the small sink unit in the tight cubicle.

Hank grew instantly hard at the sight. He realised what must have happened: This young couple, first-timers by their appearance, must have had the same idea as he and Veevee. Moreover they must have decided that, as an extra thrill, they should make love in the first class bathroom. Clearly one of the women must have walked in on the other getting ready for her man. Then she obviously decided, or was invited, to stay (Hank suspected that Veevee was probably the instigator) leading to the scene that greeted Hank and the young man now.

"Shall we go in?" Hank asked the young man.

"Yeah, sure!" he eagerly agreed.

Hank slowly widened the door and both men stepped into the cramped space.

"Hi, honey," called Veevee, breaking out of the kiss. "This is Monica," she added, introducing the brunette, "and you must be Tom," she said to the young man.

Monica looked flushed and sheepish and nervously brushed at her hair, searching her boyfriend's face for signs of approval. Tom just grinned back at her goofily.

The young couple were not much older than Gary & Lillian, reflected Hank, and reminded him of the couple that they had met out on deck on the first night of their cruise.

Return to Gary & Lillian? Flashback to the first night of the cruise? Flashback to the first night of the party? Or find out what happens in the cramped bathroom cubicle?


Where to guv'nor?

          The Mile High Club in the first class lavatory.


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