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U.S.S. Ishtar | AaronWebster | 3


"Nothing on forward scanners," replied Ensign Davis, his chiselled features a picture of cool efficiency, "and nothing aft." The eyes of the whole female bridge crew were locked on him. I felt as weak-kneed as a schoolgirl experiencing her first crush and an unaccountable jealousy at the way he was being ogled by the others.

"There was a spike about 30 seconds ago," the frankly gorgeous Ensign replied. "Trying to recover it on long range sensors."

As he bent over his console, I tried to resist checking out his butt. Looking around, the rest of the bridge crew were not so inhibited. I wondered if Ensign Davis was due a promotion for his fine work. We could hold the ceremony on the holodeck, recreate Davis South Sea heritage for the occasion. We could all be naked and dance for him. And the one who performed the most erotic dance...

"I have something," reported the Ensign and I shook myself out of my ludicrous fantasy (Damn! The effects of the virus were getting worse).

"It's moving with incredible speed," he continued. "It's a ship."

I felt the thrill of an unknown contact, my whole body tingled with heightened sensitivity, induced by the virus as much as by the situation, I surmised.

"Configuration?" I asked.

"All indicators point to a Borg Cube," reported the Ensign matter of factly. A gasp went up from the bridge crew. I hit a button on my console.

"Engineering. Full stop! Ensign, plot a course away from that thing, warp eight. Any chance they haven't seen us?"

"Already plotted in, Captain," reported Ensign Davis. There was a dull rumble as the Ishtar ground to a halt and the stars swam as she swiftly turned. As the engines roared into life again, Ensign Davis reported: "If we've seen them, they have certainly seen us."

"We can only hope they think us insignificant," I murmured, all the while fearing that a Federation ship in the Beta Quadrant could not possibly be deemed insignificant.

"They are changing course," reported the Ensign again, strangely calm given the circumstances. "They are pursuing us."

"Time to intercept?"

"Two hours."

I hit the red alert klaxon and informed the crew.

After a while, the klaxon ended but the red lights continued to flash mutely, giving the bridge the look of a 19th century Hamburg brothel. I called a meeting of senior officers in my ready room. I would have liked to have invited Ensign Davis, his cool logic could be of great benefit at this time - at least I think that was the reason. But senior officers were senior officers and he was just an Ensign.

I entered the ready room as Amasova left it, looking flushed and satisfied. But I knew that her craving would soon return, just as it was constantly in the background for all of us. If anything the prospect of impending assimilation made it worse - as a primitive need to reproduce in the face of danger asserted itself, or simply the rush of adrenaline enhancing emotion.

The baking hot ready room reeked of sex and musk. Not just from Ensign Amasova's busy fingers, but from those of myself and every other woman of the bridge crew who had used this room over the last three weeks. Subconsciously I slid one hand down the front of my pants and circled my breast with the other.

Then I remembered that acting First Officer Kokuru had entered the room just behind me. Pulling my hands swiftly to my sides, I turned to the tall African beauty. Taller even than I and statuesque, her ebon face was impassive and her full lips gave nothing away. Only her large stiff nipples, pushing prominently against her Starfleet uniform on full breasts gave any indication of the lust that was boiling below the surface.

As the door slid closed behind her, I smiled supportively at Kokuru, then moved towards her and gave her an impulsive hug, which she reciprocated. We were Starfleet Officers, yes, but we were also women and we had an innate need to comfort.

But we were still under the influence of the virus and as our breasts crushed together and our cheeks slid together the contact produced an electric thrill. I drew my face slowly back from that of my ebony skinned First Officer and searched the deep pools of her eyes. Then my lips met hers, my alabaster skin merged with her dark skin and I felt myself tumbling into desire.

As the madness took me, I felt myself fumbling blindly on the console for the button that would lock us in here together. All reason had fled and all fear of the Borg was lost in the moment.


Do I reach the lock button? What are the consequences?

          The door is locked, and we make love


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