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An Open Mind | McMartin | 15


“Unless,” Kim’s mom says with a knowing smile, “you want to go upstairs and wake her up yourself. I think she’ll enjoy that.”

You think about this for a moment and find yourself liking how this woman thinks. You can’t even recall the number of times you’ve masturbated about walking into the Van Decker residence, saying hello to Ms. Van Decker and informing her that you are there to fuck her daughter. She would always smile, wish you a good time, and then point you on the way to Kim’s bedroom where you would then proceed to have your way with the head cheerleader.

Now, just as in your masturbatory fantasies, Kim’s mother was standing before you, inviting you to live out that dream. The difference here however is that she was giving you that invitation without any prompting on your behalf. It was as if she already knew your deepest fantasies and was determined to help you live them out.

You pause before answering Ms. Van Decker as you think about how great this new power of yours is. It appears to be growing by the second, and somehow you know this without even having to experiment. Up until making Ms. Van Decker appear in her daughter’s cheerleading outfit – something which could be chocked up to coincidence — all you had been doing was manipulating the actions of your mother and sisters — albeit in a completely sexual way. Now however you had apparently become omnipotent. Assuming Kim really was asleep upstairs, meaning you had really turned back the clock to Friday morning, you were now altering the rules of time, space and physics as well.

For whatever reason, there was no doubt in your mind that you were now omnipotent. You didn’t care how or why this had happened — you just knew it was true. And, if Ms. Van Decker’s reaction to your claims — one of seemingly total acceptance, non-surprise and unconcern — proved to be common place, you had essentially become a literal GOD amongst mankind.

This was every teenaged boy’s fantasy — the ability to make anything you want happen, without having to worry about any consequences. To the contrary, everyone was going to be happy to help you get your way.


Do you take Ms. Van Decker up on her offer? And are you truly ominoptent?

          Double yes.


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