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Den of the Cave Toads | techtactic | 12


Of the three heroines, there were two things that the toads had learned, and a third they had failed to.

They may have fucked Cecilia.

They may have fucked Dew.

But they do not fuck, with Myria.

The hiss of metal cut through the air, one of the observing toad grabbing its throat as blood bubbled around the knife handle protruding from it. The second observing monster turned in surprise as its compatriot fell, only for it to share in its brothers fate at the end of a second blade.

Fortune is said to favour the bold, and it certainly smiled down on Myria that day. The other two toads were so enraptured in the feeling of the women about their cocks, and said womens shrieks of ecstasy, they hadn't even noticed their fellows being struck down. Myria bounded towards the slain toads, pulling a throwing knife from the neck of the first and flipping it about once more, letting it fly. Her constant movement had sacrificd aim for agility, the knife missing the neck and instead plunging itself in the eye of the cave toad who had been filling Cecilia's ass with its cock. The bulbous eye of the reptile burst at the dagger, the creature roaring in pain and pulling out, an act earning a protesting moan from Cecilia. Myria hopped forward, drawing her blade in a single motion and ending the toad with a single thrust.

Sadly, the roaring of the wounded toad had alerted the elder, who had unsheathed his weapon as well. Though his scabbard had protested when he pulled his cock free, he simply pushed Dew out of the way before hopping back.

Myria and the elder toad faced off, she with her blade, he with his barbed fingers. Though the fight had gone her way so far, Myria knew that she had merely evened the odds. A single swipe from the barbed fingers of the toad would send her to the ground, stripping herself in eager anticipation to let the disgusting monster have its way with her pussy. Not a desirable prospect after she ahd come so far. Her best bet was to end it before the creature could strike her.

Myria lowered herself into a crouch, her blade at the ready.

The toad looked about, contemplating escape. But it had seen the deadly effect of those throwing knives. If it gave her the chance, it'd have one planted betwixt his shoudlers before he ran two feet. Though not intelligent in the traditional sense, the toad had lived long, and developed a sort of feral cunning. It knew there was only one chance.

The elder toad planted it's webbed hands on the ground, legs parting and crouching low. Myria narrowed her eyes, trying to understand the purpose of its stance, only to widen them when realization struck her like a bolt. She dived forward desperately, seconds before the toad jumped at her, barbed fingers outstretched. The duelist rolled under the toad, and when something tugged at the leather of her pants she slashed blindly in that direction. Her attack was rewarded by a splash of acrid blood, the repltilian monster screaming as it hit the ground, flopping there and lying still.

Myria panted, propping herself up on her elbow and staring at the unmoving corpse.

"I...I did it," she gasped almost in disbelief, rising to her knees. When the toad made no move, her smile broadened and she repeated, "I did it!" She gasped, plopping onto her rear, head falling back and laughing in relief.

Her celebratory mood was short lived, laughter catching in her throat when she recalled the tugging on her leathers that had alerted her to the toads presence. Icy fear clutched her heart when she realized what it must have been.

The toad's barbs!

Horror replaced exultion. Though likely the leathers had kept the barbs from penetrating into her skin, the duelist quickly grabbed at her pants, searching for where she had possibly been scratched, trying not to think of what she might do if she had been.


Was she?



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