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The Power of Persuasion | whitenight | 6


My eyes snap open as someone raps on the door. Morning amnesia: what time is it? Where am I? Who's this blonde on top of me? There's no obvious bedside clock. I can see morning light through the balcony window.

The knock comes again. "Sir?" I recognize Rosa's voice and the previous day comes crashing back to me. It's hard to tell memory from dream at this hour. I extract myself from the bed, sending Becky into a displeased moan.

Naked, I crack the door open. "Yes, Rosa?"

"Good morning, sir!" she says brightly. Clearly she's helped herself to one of the girls' wardrobes again; it's a new sundress today. "I hate to wake you, but the madam has asked me not to let her oversleep on days she needs to work."

"Thank you, Rosa, I'll get her up."

"Yes, sir. Breakfast will be served when you come down." She turns and heads back down the hall. The door creaks as I crane my neck to watch her go. She glances over her shoulder and wiggles her ass a bit in response.

I rouse Becky and set her to getting dressed in the closet. Meanwhile I drag on my same clothes from the day before - nothing in Bill's collection will fit me, no point trying - and go for the kitchen.

Bill, Ashley, and Jessica are already eating at the small nook table when I arrive. Bill's poring over the morning paper in his pajamas. I can feel his mind finding calm in regular routine and allow him to remain. Ashley is again dressed to impress in a feminine suit, with Jessica in schoolgirl attire. Rosa passes me a plate full of pancakes and bacon. I grab a stool at the kitchen island's bar to watch her as she works.

"So," I open, "where exactly is everyone off to today?"

Bill mumbles, "Work."

"And what's that, Bill?" I press.

"Dad's a financial engineer at the bank," Ashley volunteers. "He works at the corporate HQ downtown. I'm there too, but only as an intern."

"How long have you been there?" I ask.

"Oh, it's just a summer internship. I'm going to college in the fall."

"And you, Jessica?"

"Saint Rachel's. Private university, jumped on summer session to get a head start. Studying education, looking to become a university professional."

"Strict dress code for a university," I probe. Jessica shrugs. "It's only really enforced for the first couple of years. Once I'm past freshman, I'll be able to loosen up a bit."

"They're twins, if you couldn't guess," Becky announces as she enters the room. "Couldn't be prouder of the two of them." Both daughters beam and nod. "As for me, I'm a realtor. And we all need to be on our way. Do you have any plans yourself?"


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