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What lies beyond? | CLITaurus | 3


“O.k.” you say “I guess I’ll stay for a bit. So what are these pointers?”

“Lessee. Firs’ thin’ y’r nee’ ta understan’ is ya made of p’sychic energy” say the ghost actually pronouncing the P is psychic “azuch y’ powered by ‘motions ‘n such. While y’ don’ need’m to survive, ‘motions’ll give’y power. That’s why I’m ‘ere, t’ feed off all the ‘motions y’ acciden’ created. Mos’ feedoff fear’n pain, ‘cause their easy t’ find, bu’ any ‘moton’ll do. A’ the momen’ y’ c’n only in’tract wi’ the livin’ by entrin their dreams. But as y’ get more power y’ll be able t’ in’tract physically with’m.”

“How do I enter their dreams?” you ask.

“Pu’ y’self in their bodies while they sleep!” says the ghost as if the answer was obvious and you are a particularly slow child. “ ’ny more stupid questions?”

“Is there any special way to travel? Can I fly or do I have to walk everywhere?”

“I said stupid questions! Tha’ there’s a smart one. Fact is, as p’sychic en’tities, we c’n travel anywhere jus’ by thinkin’ abou’ it. I ‘thor ‘bout pain’n I turned up ‘ere, once I’ve pow’d up I’m gonna think’ve my granddaugh’er’s ex’n use’t on’m. Oh, tha’s another thing, the ‘motions you pow’r y’self with’ll ‘termine wha’ kinda pow’s y’ll get. Y’are what y’eat, or least y’ pow’s are. I’m fill’n up on pain so I c’n hurt someone. Y’wan’ t’ scare? Y’eat fear? Wan’ sadness? Crasha funeral. ‘cetra ‘cetra. Course some ‘bilities don’ care what y’ use like ‘geisting ’n touchin people, though I’d stick with less vil’nt ‘motions less y’ want’a hurt’m. O.k. well I’m stuffed, I’m off to teach that prick a less’n he won’ f’get. See’y’”

The ghost disappears, leaving you standing at the scene of your death, the tunnel to the afterlife still sitting just on the edge of your vision.


Where to now?


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