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Virtual Computer World | jackmackle | 5


You took your mom’s advice and temporary hired many escort service girls. You even hired several porn stars of your liking. You informed them through a typed up contracted and signed what would be expect and what to do and so forth. You also informed them that they will only be there for a week. But in reality you pulled them back out after a minute and informed them that their work is done and their contract was complete. Few did ask how can it be complete only after a minute when it was suppose to last a week. And you informed them again about their persona. Few laughed and thanked you and walk out happy. Some asked to go back in to think it would last forever so you could have that persona as well.

Add and choose your porn star from here.

Hey peeps, this mean you can add stuff here to this section. Pick a porn star name and get down to your nasty. Remember the rules for this story thou. Leave the other parts alone for now.


List of porn star women.


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