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The Shortest Straw | ultimatesextool | 4


You see a girl with long black hair, getting pulled off of the top of a dumpster bin by her ankle by one of the infected. She was hanging on to the edge of the garbage bin while the zombie was trying to pull her off. The girl had peach skin and a thin body. You couldn't really see her face because of the way she was positioned.

The zombie was also female, but had blonde hair that was tied up in a messy ponytail. Her skin was grey, and her eyes looked lifeless, with no iris nor pupil. But that didn't stop you from attempting to save the victim.

Just as you take out your gun, the call for help that the girl had shouted toward you attracted the zombie's attention toward you. In a flash, the zombie let the girl go and darted for you. Surprised by this, you shoot a bullet at it that zipped right past her head. Before you could even register that you missed, you were already tackled onto the ground. As this happened, the back of your head hit the concrete below, and you're sure that if there wasn't 6 inches of snow covering the ground, you'd be out unconscious. But you were still stunned, and dropped your pistol as you hit the floor. You would have got bitten by her once she straddled you, had you not have been blessed with decent reflexes.
Your hand immediately went for the zombies throat with your left hand, keeping her mouth away from any part of your body. The zombie hissed, gagged, spasmed, and even dropped a few drops of saliva on your face. Despite this, you never released your grip, even as she clutched at your arm to release herself, her nails digging into your skin and drawing blood.

But before the pain got too intense, you hear a loud feminine roar, followed by metal hitting something. The zombie then became lifeless, and with a strained gurgle, fell limp on top of you. Your heart was still racing, and you pushed the blonde creature off of you. In front of you, you see the dark-haired girl standing, holding a long metal pipe with spots of blood on her face. The pipe dripped with blood as well, and doing the math, you realized that this girl just saved your life.

The tension was slowly fading as you and the girl stared at each other with mixed emotions. She then drops the pipe and falls onto her knees, apparently exhausted with a sigh as her adrenaline rate went down.

Not knowing what to say, you say the first thing that comes to mind, "Um... You okay?"

The girl looks at you, still very shaken up, "Y-Yeah... Thanks for saving me..."

You give a small smile, "The feeling is mutual." You say. She smiles a bit and takes a look at your arm. You were gushing blood out onto the snow and ground.

"Oh my God, your arm...!" She says, pointing at it. You look at it and find that you can barely lift it up. "Um, we can't stay out in the cold like this, and you have to get that treated. My house is a block away from here, so would you like for me to help you?" She asks.

You nod. She's a nice girl, "Yeah, thanks." She helps you get on your feet. You look for your gun and find it in a few seconds. You grab that and the pipe that the girl used as well. Better safe than sorry.

You have your arm burried between the side of your body and your other arm, in order to put pressure on it and help stop the bleeding. Now that your adrenaline went down somewhat, the pain was starting to get to you, causing your body to tense up. The brunette sees this and wraps her arms around you to support you while you both walk.

"So... whats your name?" She asks.

". What about yours?"

She smiles, "I'm Nyra. Nyra Martinez."

You smile as you look at her. A pretty name like that matches her pretty face. Despite the spots of blood still lingering on it, and her messed up hair, she was gorgeous. Like Arisa, but looked nothing like her.

"Heh, a horrible start regarding how we're being introduced." You say dryly, but jokingly. Nyra chuckles.

"Yeah, right? I'm just glad you came to save me. You're, like, the best for doing that, you know." She tells you. You smile.

"It was nothing. I couldn't leave you like that, I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I did." You say through clenched teeth. Your fucking arm is really starting to hurt.

She gives you a look of sympathy, "You're such a sweetheart. You don't find too many people like you in this world."

You look at her, "People like me? But... You don't even know me. All I did was help you."

She looks back at you, "You didn't just help me, you saved my life. Do you know how many people would have just ignored me and ran to save themselves? I don't have to know you much to know that you're a great person just from doing that."

Hearing her say that made you smile, "Thanks. You're not hurt or anything right?" You ask.

"No, just a little shaken up. She didn't bite me or anything, so don't worry." She says. "Here's my house right here." She tells you, pointing at this decent looking two story house. She opens the gate for you and you both walk up to the door.

She knocks on it, "Sendy, open up, it's me Nyra." She says toward the door.

"You don't have a key?" You ask.

"I do, but it's kind of useless against a door that's barricaded on the other side."

You nod, forgetting that people have boarded up and barricaded their doors.

"Okay, hold on a minute." You hear from inside the house, followed by items shuffling against the door.

"Your sister?" You ask.

"Best friend." After you hear some rustling on the other side, the door then opens, revealing a young lady with glasses. She was short, and looked to be hispanic. Her hair was jet black, and was tied up in a curly ponytail, which you could tell had plenty of gel in it. She was cute, looked a bit younger than Nyra.

"Nyra, glad to see you're okay..." She says, gesturing for her to come inside, with Nyra taking a hold of your wrist to pull you in with her. Sendy had a bit of a hispanic accent to her feminine voice, "What happened to your face though? And where's Ruth?" She then looks at you analytically. "...And who's this?"

"Yeah, I'm fine... And what happened with Ruth..." Nyra suddenly looks saddened, avoiding Sendy's gaze. "Um, Ruth... is dead."

Sendy looks shocked. Blown back, even. "...N-Nyra... Please tell me you're lying..."

Nyra shakes her head.

"B-But... How?"

Nyra sighs. She looks as though she might cry any minute, "Ruth had turned into one of them... And she attacked me. She was close to killing me before " she gestures toward you. "Walked by and saved me."

Sendy's eyes fill with tears. Her legs begin to shake, as if she might collapse any minute.


Nyra sighs, she looks at you, then your arm. "Listen, we'll talk more about it in a minute, but right now I have to find a first aid kit. is losing a lot of blood." Nyra says as she walks deeper into the house.

You look at Sendy, who dropped to her knees, her eyes completely filled with tears. You know she's devestated, and you weren't aware that Ruth, the girl that you saved Nyra from, was close to them.

"Hey, listen..." You say after a few quiet moments, with Sendy's sobs being the only sound in the room. "I'm sorry for what happened... If there's anything I can do to help, I'll..."

"...Get out."

You pause for a second, "...Huh?"

Sendy looks up, her puffy eyes now filled with anger, "Get out. Get the fuck out! You killed Ruth!" She declares, her voice getting louder by the second.

You're now confused, "Wait, Sendy, that's--"

Sendy goes into the nearby kitchen and grabs a large kitchen knife. She storms toward you with it, causing you to back up cautiously.

"You killed my best friend... I don't know who the fuck you are, but I have every right to fucking kill you!" You're now against the door you entered through, about to break out into a cold sweat as she raises the knife.

"Sendy, stop!" You hear from behind her. You look over and see Nyra. Sendy turns her head to look at her.

"This bastard killed Ruth! Now I'm going to kill him!" She says.

"That 'bastard' saved my life, Sendy! If it wasn't for him, Ruth would still be infected, and I'd probably be dead!"


" wasn't even the one who killed her! I was."

At this, Sendy lowered her knife.

" had distracted her when she was hairs away from killing me, and once he was occupied with her, I killed her." Nyra explains. "He's not the bad guy here, no one is. Ruth was unfortunate enough to get infected, and we did what we had to do. So put down the knife, Sendy."

Sendy drops the knife.

"...I'm sorry." She whispers before running off into the house. You hear rapid footsteps going higher up into the house, so you can tell that she was going upstairs.

Nyra sighs, "Sorry about that, . I guess she didn't take the news well. Are you alright?"

"Yeah." You say.

"Good. Now lets fix up your arm." She says with a faint smile. You smile in return and she tells you to sit down on the couch in the room. You do so and Nyra sits right next to you, the medkit on her lap.

"Hold out your arm." She says as she opens the container. You do so and she lays down a cloth on her thigh, under your forearm. She takes out a brown bottle and opens the cap.

"What is th-- AAH, MOTHERFUCKER!" You shout when she spills the liquid all over your wound. That shit stings like hell. One of the worst pains you've been through in a while. The actual process of getting the wound hadn't even compared to this pain. "What the hell is that, rubbing alcohol?!" You ask Nyra, trying your best to keep your arm still.

"...Yeah..." She replies sheepishly. "Sorry, I should have warned you first... But we gotta disinfect it."

"I understand that..." You say with a pained sigh. "But damn... It feels like you poured acid into it."

She chuckles pitifully, "I'm sorry, I can only imagine how much that hurts... But at least it's not a deep cut, it's just a flesh wound, I think."

"There's no novacain in there or something?" You ask. She shakes her head.

"No, I used it a while back... All I have is gause and bandages and stuff." She then takes out a roll of medical gause and asks you to raise your arm. It was a struggle to do so, but you manage to do it.

After a few painful minutes of her wrapping your whole forearm, she wraps it completely.

"Thank you." You tell her with a smile.

"It's the least I can do." She replies with the same smile. She then gives you a kiss on the cheek and caresses your face. "Thanks again for saving me."

You smile, "No problem, I told you that it was nothing."

"Nothing worth almost getting killed over, huh?" She replies with playful sarcasm. "I have to repay you somehow..." She tells you, with what you can tell is faint seduction, and rubs your thigh.

"You know, you are kinda cute... Do you have a girlfriend?" She asks.

"Nope." You reply, happy that, for once in quite some time, being single had it's advantages.

"I see... So you wouldn't mind if I did something like this...?" She asks you hotly, running her hand up and down the groin of your pants.

"Not really..." You reply with a grin.

Nyra chuckles sexilly, "Good. I hope you don't have to rush to go anywhere, so you can stay a while..." She tells you once you feel your penis hardening.

As she asked that question, you thought about getting Arisa and to safety... You can either end things here with Nyra and go back out to save them. They might need your help, and you wouldn't like to keep them waiting. They could be worrying, especially since you have no phone to answer their calls with...

Or you can stay a while... With Nyra rubbing your groin like this, your arousal is growing... You're horny, and haven't got laid in quite some time. Your pride is practically yelling at you, telling you that there's a perfectly willing girl right here, and to turn her down would be fucking nonsense, or at least thats what your libido is telling you.


What do you do?

          Stay a while.


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