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The Slut Family | acorn142 | 3


You decide to touch base with Kyle and see what he's up to. As you dial the number from memory, you cock twitches as you remember some of the awesome sex sessions you have had with him. When Kyle has a beer or two in him, the Dom in him starts to come out, and that's more than ok with you.

"Hey, Bryan!" you hear as Kyle answers the phone. "I was hoping you would call. I'm having some friends over for a party, and I'd love it if you could come over. Bring some friends with you if you want. I'm getting the place ready now, and I could use some ... help."

You grin as you consider the meaning of the pause before he said"help."


Go over right away or wait for the party?

          Go over to "help"

          Ask about the party


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