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"Accidental School Girl" | girlyboy13 | 2


“Stateville School for troubled girls. I will take you over there now.”
“But I’m not,” Sam started to say, but the office cut him off.
“I thought I told you to keep your mouth shut!”  On the drive over, Sam thought about what he had heard about this school.  From what he could remember, its where girls who were pregnant, sluts or trouble makers went. Once there, the officer grabbed Sam by his arm and marched him inside.  “I’d like to speak to the Director about one of your students,” he told the stern looking woman behind the desk.
“Right away officer, she replied.
As she entered the office behind her, the officer told Sam to sit down.
The woman returned shortly and said, “You may go in officer.” As soon as the door shut, the woman turns on Sam. “Sit up straight!” Sam immediately does as he is told and the woman returns to her work.  After what seemed like an hour, the door opens and the officer steps out.  “I will be back in 3 hours to escort you home.” He points at the office, “Now get in there and don’t give the Director and of your lip!”


What happens in the office

          Sam change of clothes


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