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You want me to what? | blackhand | 3


You open the piece of mail sitting in your Inbox. The address says it's from Sabrina, the liaison between software and R&D. Typically she leaves you alone to running the department, and only bothers with interfering if she has orders to from her superiors. You rather like Sabrina. She's nice, helpful, and despite how relatively useless she is to the team, still tries her best to help out in the department. She also unfortunately doesn't make much in the way of friends. Besides a few of the girls who she sometimes has whispered conversations with, she is usually holed up in her cubicle.

The message is nothing specific. Just asking to talk with him at some point when you are available to. But, today is a boring day. Not on crunch time, and no releases scheduled for at least a month. With nothing else to do you saunter out of your office. The lack of urgency in the message might just be Sabrina being indecisive, but it could really mean she doesn't need you until your ready. Do you want to go straight to her workspace, or drop by one of the other peons first?


Right To Sabrina, Or Does Someone Else Need Your Attention?


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